The Tau'ri in Star Trek, Height of the Dominion War

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Re: The Tau'ri in Star Trek, Height of the Dominion War

Post by Yukaphile »

I don't know, I guess I'm just jaded. But Chuck has infamously laid down so many examples from Voyager, but look at something like O'Brien's tech breakdown from "Past Tense," an otherwise solid two-parter, but the tech reason is BULLSHIT, I'm sorry. Or "Explorers," where they should have DIED by being splatted until their organs melted, with the solar sail breaking into a thousand pieces. I get tachyons going faster than light. But realistically, a warp bubble is what makes FTL travel feasible. They are not in one. From the same series that treats inertial dampeners so seriously, to boot. There is zero explanation, no reason given to why they didn't DIE. How about how chronitons can kill Prophets? They exist outside linear time... what? THAT MAKES NO SENSE. Know what I mean? And I liked that as a good "O'Brien Must Suffer" episode where his wife is held hostage, but, you know...? Really. I guess I've fallen out of love with Star Trek, even good Classic Star Trek, since it really is more of the same now.
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