Roy Moore wants to remove all amendments after the 10th

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Fuzzy Necromancer
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Roy Moore wants to remove all amendments after the 10th

Post by Fuzzy Necromancer » ... index.html

So, it's not that I think he could possibly bring the political muscle and public will needed to repeal even one amendment (although with all the wild events of the recent year my ability to judge what is politically plausible has taken a heavy pounding), but it's...really, really scary that somebody running for a congressional position would not only believe that, but feel confident enough to say it out loud. Like, that somehow isn't instant election poison.
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Re: Roy Moore wants to remove all amendments after the 10th

Post by Deledrius »

Fuzzy Necromancer wrote:Like, that somehow isn't instant election poison.
If there's one lesson from the 2016 election, it's that there is no such thing anymore as instant election poison. The candidates are only going to get worse from here on out.
Draco Dracul
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Re: Roy Moore wants to remove all amendments after the 10th

Post by Draco Dracul »

Wow, I didn't think my opinion of the man could sink any lower, but he's pro-slavery in addition to raping children.
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Admiral X
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Re: Roy Moore wants to remove all amendments after the 10th

Post by Admiral X »

As if we didn't already know what a horrible person and a moron he is, he just has to keep giving us more examples.

It would sure be nice if there was a centrist party that is a nice happy medium between the frothing at the mouth lunatics that make up the current major parties. :roll:
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Re: Roy Moore wants to remove all amendments after the 10th

Post by Draco Dracul »

Admiral X wrote:As if we didn't already know what a horrible person and a moron he is, he just has to keep giving us more examples.

It would sure be nice if there was a centrist party that is a nice happy medium between the frothing at the mouth lunatics that make up the current major parties. :roll:
What's the second major party? Because we've got an insane hard right party that puts their crazies in power and a reasonable center left party that largely marginalizes their crazies.
Darth Wedgius
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Re: Roy Moore wants to remove all amendments after the 10th

Post by Darth Wedgius »

Draco Dracul wrote: What's the second major party? Because we've got an insane hard right party that puts their crazies in power and a reasonable center left party that largely marginalizes their crazies.
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Re: Roy Moore wants to remove all amendments after the 10th

Post by PlasmaHam »

Draco Dracul wrote:
Admiral X wrote:As if we didn't already know what a horrible person and a moron he is, he just has to keep giving us more examples.

It would sure be nice if there was a centrist party that is a nice happy medium between the frothing at the mouth lunatics that make up the current major parties. :roll:
What's the second major party? Because we've got an insane hard right party that puts their crazies in power and a reasonable center left party that largely marginalizes their crazies.
"Marginalizes their crazies"

Yeah right :roll:
When was the last time the Dem's actually marginalized any of their radicals and crazies? They embrace the radicals of their party. The only people the Dem's marginalize are the centrists who don't buy 100% into party doctrine.
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Re: Roy Moore wants to remove all amendments after the 10th

Post by LittleRaven »

PlasmaHam wrote:When was the last time the Dem's actually marginalized any of their radicals and crazies?
Hillary vanquishing Sanders comes to mind.

Certainly, there are crazies on the left. But the Democratic establishment has thus far prevented them from taking over the party, in sharp contrast to the Republicans.
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Re: Roy Moore wants to remove all amendments after the 10th

Post by Antiboyscout »

LittleRaven wrote:
PlasmaHam wrote:When was the last time the Dem's actually marginalized any of their radicals and crazies?
Hillary vanquishing Sanders comes to mind.

Certainly, there are crazies on the left. But the Democratic establishment has thus far prevented them from taking over the party, in sharp contrast to the Republicans.
Sanders was not snubbed for being a socialist. He was snubbed because Hillary wanted her turn and was willing to do anything to get it. The DNC collusion is not even a question anymore.

Hillary herself? The candidate that attempted to ride the wave of Radical Feminism to victory?
The Democrats themselves support movements like BLM, modern feminism, and AntiFa. Those are their crazies. The only difference is that the media doesn't call them crazy.

Despite trying to reintroduce segregation, BLM is given a free pass.
Despite causing situations like Evergreen State College, Feminists are given a free pass.
Despite being literal Communist Revolutionaries, AntiFa was given a free pass. (only recently did SOME of the Dem. call them out for their violent tactics but not for being communists notably)
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Re: Roy Moore wants to remove all amendments after the 10th

Post by LittleRaven »

Antiboyscout wrote:Sanders was not snubbed for being a socialist.
He was snubbed for a great many reasons, but the primary one was that he was NOT A DEMOCRAT. He styled himself as the true leftist, and attempted a hostile takeover of a major party as a means of promoting his vision. After all, it was working for Trump.

But Democrats are not Republicans, at least not yet, and the establishment was able to fend him off, albeit at some cost. The Republican establishment realized too late what was going on, and now we're treated to watching men like Ted Cruz prostrate themselves before the con man they thought to use. (the more principled Republicans, like Romney, have simply left)
The Democrats themselves support movements like BLM, modern feminism, and AntiFa. Those are their crazies.
Sure. But look at where those groups are, and where they are not. Democrats are politicians...they'll try to use anyone that looks useful. But Antifa and BLM do not hold any real power in the Democratic party - they're useful idiots at best, and Democrats have no problem calling them out when they go too far. They are to the Democrats what Roy Moore and his ilk is to the Republicans...only Republicans are trying to put Moore in the Senate, while Antifa never gets past the security line at Party headquarters.

Whenever you have a political and economic dysfunction, as we have in the US today, you inevitably get Communists and Nazis. We've seen it happen over and over again around the world...we've even had a brush with it here in the US, although that was nearly a century ago. It certainly looks like we're on track to hit this situation again. We're a very right-wing country, so it's no surprise that the Nazis got here first, and I'm sure if we let things fester long enough we'll get real Communists eventually...but they're not here yet.
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