Silly Question Time: If You Were Hired by DC or Marvel to Write a Lesser Known Character Which Would You Choose?

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Silly Question Time: If You Were Hired by DC or Marvel to Write a Lesser Known Character Which Would You Choose?

Post by Winter »

To clarify this character, Marvel or DC wants to promote a new character or you've come to them to write a character you wish to get more attention, who is a character that you know of that isn't as well known or as popular as others. This can range from anyone who's part of a team (like Danny Chase) or a supporting character to a Superhero (like Jean DeWolff).

For me, I want to make a series focusing on Jinx from the Teen Titans animated series. We learn next to nothing about her, why does she have cat eyes? Is her hair dyed or is that her natural color? Was born with her powers or did she gain them through some curse? Is she even really human?

She has next to nothing in common with her comic counterpart other then both use pink magic and have the name Jinx so there's a lot of freedom with this character in terms of her origins, personality and motives.

I would lean on her being more of a villain turned anti-hero, tie her to the character Dr. Penelope Young from the Arkham Games by making her Jinx's mother. Her magic is something she was born with and she isn't entirely human hence her cat eyes and pink hair. Also her sink color is grey like in the show, not super pale or albino but actually grey so she's always stood out.

She was raised by Dr. Young but she kept her daughter a secret as long as possible partly to keep her safe but mostly to prevent from harming her career. So, yeah, not the best childhood.

One thing I would alter is her design. She would still be a Goth and her main color for her cloths would still be light and dark purple but I would go for different cloths cause I just never cared for her original look. Also I would get rid of the Horn Hair cause I really don't care for it. Instead she acquires actual horns whenever she's really pissed. Also her eyes will glow pink when she's using a great deal of her magic but will turn black when enraged which is also when her horns appear, giving her a demonic look.

Her magic works mostly the same as in the show, she can affect probability to cause things to go wrong for her enemies while also using her magical energy blasts.

And finally, and this me we're talking about here so you should really have seen this one coming, she's bisexual and her main love interest is Queen Perdita and as such her city is the capital of Vlatava.

But that's a story for another time, namely when I'm actually able to get around to it.

But what are some characters that aren't as well known in Marvel or DC that you would love to help make popular, let me known. :)
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Re: Silly Question Time: If You Were Hired by DC or Marvel to Write a Lesser Known Character Which Would You Choose?

Post by stryke »

As I mentioned them in another thread how about a Query and Echo series. Something DC has had fun with is exploring the Gotham subculture of the various Bat-villians minions. I'd like to run with that.

How about Eddie is back in Arkham, and the duo are finding them selves short on cash. An entirely new villain turns up who know one knows much about, is hiring various minions and thugs, and Query and Echo join up for the fun and to make rent. Then things escalate in a properly amusing Gotham fashion as other villains who are out and about get annoyed by this newb horning in on their territory and of course the Bat is always lurking in the shadows. Keep him even more offscreen than he was in Gotham Central and just have members of the crew just go missing every so often, and end up in police custody. I'm thinking the reveal is that the new guy is just a theatre kid hired by one of the goons to act as a face to draw the attention of the Bat and other villains while the goon(s) in question have a scheme of their own going on. I'm thinking Two Face's Sugar and Spice as the unexpected masterminds so we can have a lady duo on lady duo fight for the resolution.
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Re: Silly Question Time: If You Were Hired by DC or Marvel to Write a Lesser Known Character Which Would You Choose?

Post by ProfessorDetective »

[Pardon the wall. This got away from me.]

Technically she would be a side character, but I have have had one in mind.

Set up: my dream is to pitch an episodic series to either DC or Marvel starring an original detective character (shocker, coming from me).

For DC, they'd basically be their equivalent to Gwenpool. Comic nerd gets isekai'd on to Prime Earth/Earth Zero/whatever and uses their meta-knowledge to become an investigator. They start with a bright, just-happy-to-help, attitude that's slowly chipped at over the series by the settings generally grimdark status quo, made worse by their full understanding of that. Never to the point of true hopelessness, but they become resigned to the fact that the universe (read: editorial) doesn't WANT to be helped, on the long-term, macro, scale.

For Marvel, they'd be a broody, hard-boiled, type in contrast to the setting's generally hopeful tone. They've been through a lot of troubles, but still try to do good through their work, typically dealing with the occult. They're a native of the Marvel Universe, since they already have Gwenpool for the "meta expat" niche.

The obscure character comes in during the Marvel series as the center of a breather arc. The detective is approached by a young woman with a wholly mundane case: she's going to be part of a major event during New York Fashion Week. Problem: the production is being plagued by Scooby-Doo-style sabotage that's nearly gotten her and her co-workers killed. The client? A Kansas girl name Millicent Collins, though her friends call her Millie. The detective takes the case, mostly because it SHOULD be much simpler than their usual fare. ... ieTheModel

"Millie the Model" was a long running (1945-1973) series of slice-of-life stories starring the titular country girl trying to make it big in the fashion world of NYC. It reads a LOT like an Archie Comics series, down to the similar art styles. Which makes sense for the era of the Comics Code and the waning popularity of superheroes at the time. It's fallen into obscurity outside of hardcore Marvel scholars, in the last fifty years. I just think she'd be a left-field deep cut for an investigator of the mystic realms to work for.

Oh, I just remembered one for the DC series! I kind of wanted to bring in Mary "Baby" Dahl as a major supporting character. I'd do a similar plot to the BATS episode, but it's our new detective who pulls her from the brink of murder, fully recognizing the scenario from the cartoon. They then get her paroled and hire her as their assistant/secretary. I just think the juxtaposition of the series' Girl Friday/Watson being a gruff-talking washed-out actress who just happens to look like a ten-year-old. Because the wacky juxtapositions are a lot of the charm of superhero comics. Maybe I'd pull a full Baby Herman and give her a taste for cigars... No, a pipe! You rarely see women smoking pipes. Like, anywhere.
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Re: Silly Question Time: If You Were Hired by DC or Marvel to Write a Lesser Known Character Which Would You Choose?

Post by CharlesPhipps »

Amethyst of Gemworld

Make it Sailor Moon, Magic Knight Rayearth, Fushigi Yuugi and a bunch of other fun girl positive Isekai stuff.
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Re: Silly Question Time: If You Were Hired by DC or Marvel to Write a Lesser Known Character Which Would You Choose?

Post by Scififan »

Peter Cannon, Thunderbolt.

This was a short lived comic using another Charlton comic book character. He was different because he had powers through developing his mind. He wasn't a meta-human, he basically got his powers by way developing his mind using powers anyone could have if they were able to apply them appropriately.
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