Listeing to Dragon Age: Vows & Vengeance

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Listeing to Dragon Age: Vows & Vengeance

Post by Winter »

Back when Mass Effect: Andromeda was coming out it was the one time I got steadily less and less interested in a game as it approached release with made looking cutscenes, overall lackluster acting and stupid statements from several of the developers that had nothing to do with the game and was just as annoying as Rowling is right now. Not helping matters was the bits of the game that got leaked online which only cemented to me that this was not going to be a game I would enjoy with the comedy feeling intrusive to the drama the squad mates being either bland or annoying and romances that made me (a romantic) cringe.

I bring that up because, so far (knock on wood) Dragon Age: The Veilguard has been the flip side of that coin as the more I see of this game that more excited I get. This has only increased with a number of leaks by fans who've played the game and comments from people I trust to give an honest opinion on the game and from what I've seen so far I'm liking what I'm seeing.

The cutscenes are a Hell of a lot better then the ones in MEA with better facial expressions and camera angles. Sure the graphics doesn't look great but keep in mind that Dragon Age: Origins' graphics were incredibly dated by the standards of the time and that's kinda been the case for the series as a whole. Graphics have never been the series' strong suit so I'm kinda use to it by now.

There, of course, other issues I have with the game like the fact that only 3 of our choices from the other games are going to transfer over and I'm not the biggest fan of not being able to play as our companions this time around. But if what I've heard is true more choices from the other games will be incorporated in later patches and the reason for the limited choices now seems to be more an issue of time then story. And with the latter I think the gameplay looks like it's going to be really fun so I'm not to mad at not playing as our companions.

But what's really helped me get hyped for this game is the podcast series that's being released on the Dragon Age YouTube Page, Dragon Age: Vows & Vengeance which has given us a proper introduction to our companions in a side story that is honestly pretty fun.

At this point I'm on Episode 4 Beyond the Veil which introduces us to Bellara. Bellara is the character I've learned the least about and was unsure what to think of her because I just didn't know her. And after listening to her in this podcast this was more or less my reaction "Oh no... she's cute!" And with that I'm now ready to say that I will indeed be romancing ALL the female companions of this game and the only issue I have there is I have no idea whom I'm going to romance first.

But onto V&V itself I honestly am really enjoying this podcast. I've laughed at all the jokes, it's leans into the dark fantasy the series is known for and I like the characters that are original to it. Nadia, Elio and Drayden are all so fun to listen to and I find myself rooting for Nadia who just wants to find her lover again and her lover Elio is honestly such a fun and I fully buy that he and Nadia are in love with one another despite only interacting with each other for one episode.

Sure it's not flawless but I do recommend checking the podcast out if for nothing else just to see Nadia growing impatience as she deals with the insanity that is the Dragon Age series.
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