Hell is other reviewers

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Re: Hell is other reviewers

Post by PerrySimm »

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Re: Hell is other reviewers

Post by Robovski »

Clever Dick Films https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHfd02 ... odwqvXHOkw is a small channel with a Dr. Who focus.
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Re: Hell is other reviewers

Post by SlackerinDeNile »

If any of you are into video games, even just a tiny bit, check out https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5CYeH ... EhgonvbbAA.

He is an awesome critic, he's a bit like Chuck except more serious, less jokey and he shows his face every once in a while.
He may come across as a bit arrogant and a bit too analytical and critical to some at first but his analysis of games and franchises is really fascinating to listen to and good to put on whilst you're doing something else.
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Re: Hell is other reviewers

Post by Admiral X »

His videos tend to drag on a bit, though. Of course I rather enjoy smudboy's look at the Mass Effect games, and if you marathon watch them they can get rather long, too, but having them broken up into more manageable parts makes it a bit more, well, manageable. :lol: Though to be fair, at least part of that comes from my interest in the Mass Effect franchise, and while I've tried looking at his videos for other games, like Dragon Age, I just can't make it through them.
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Re: Hell is other reviewers

Post by SlackerinDeNile »

Fair enough, I tend to watch his stuff when I'm making artwork.
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Re: Hell is other reviewers

Post by Cassandra »

There are some interesting Trek review/analysis podcasts out there that go into much more depth than SFDebris usually does. I listen to:

Trekabout (language NSFW -- not suitable for kids)

Each podcast episode is around an hour and covers two episodes of Trek. The series has completed TOS, TNG and DS9, and is currently working on Voyager. Quality is very good for TNG and early DS9 (up to around mid season 3) but drops off after that point. Later episodes have degenerated into SJWism. Assumes detailed listener knowledge of every Trek episode and does not provide recaps. Two hosts; no ads. Uneven volume levels as one host is prone to screaming.

That Pensky File (language mildly NSFW)

Format is one main host with one or more guests. One-man episodes (with no guests) are barely listenable. Episodes with good guests are very good and are probably the best of the three Trek podcasts. Podcast episodes with guests are usually around an hour and cover one episode of Trek. The podcast has completed TNG and is gradually working on DS9 with a side-tour into STD. Skip the first dozen or so early episodes when the podcast was starting out and had no guests: wait until there are regular guests before listening. No ads. Does very short recaps. Due to format changes, the podcast's coverage of TNG was better than its coverage of DS9.

Mission Log

Two hosts, runs multi-minute ads, does lengthy recaps of every Trek episode in the middle of each podcast. Has completed TOS and TNG (including movies). Will be starting DS9 shortly. Does some deep analysis but doesn't get into it until the last 10-15 minutes of each show. This podcast is produced by the Roddenberry foundation and has access to behind-the-scenes information. There are gems here, but your seek bar will get a workout skipping multiple five-minute ads and fifteen minute episode synopses.
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Re: Hell is other reviewers

Post by Edvarius »

Obscurus Lupa was doing a three-parter on what's considered some of the worst episodes in Star Trek, with Sub Rosa, Profit and Lace, and finally, Threshold. And it is clear from her Threshold review that she definitely subscribes to the psycho-Janeway theory. Complete with her own version of the psycho-Janeway voice.
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Re: Hell is other reviewers

Post by CharlesPhipps »

I love the Nerd Book Review


Also, the Grim Tidings Podcast


Lots of great interviews with dark fantasy and indie authors.
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