Star Trek (Dis): The Butcher's Knife Cares Not for the Lamb's Cry

This forum is for discussing Chuck's videos as they are publicly released. And for bashing Neelix, but that's just repeating what I already said.
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Re: Star Trek (Dis): The Butcher's Knife Cares Not for the Lamb's Cry

Post by CharlesPhipps »

kaingerc wrote:I really have no idea how Saru's "Bovine-sense" works.
Michael being near him sets it off because she's a potential threat to him but the tardigrade isn't?
Does that mean he doesn't even need to antagonize Michael for her to maul him?
Or does that mean he needs to be aware of the threat for it to start tingling? (Which makes Michael's test pointless)
It works like the Spider Sense.

Danger is near!

How does that work scientifically?

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Aotrs Commander
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Re: Star Trek (Dis): The Butcher's Knife Cares Not for the Lamb's Cry

Post by Aotrs Commander »

Fianna wrote:
At the point the writer goes "anyone can die!" is also usually the point I go "then why should I care about anyone, then?"
I hope you only apply that reasoning to fiction instead of to real life, 'cause, hoo boy, that is some high grade nihilism.

What would possibly give you that impression?

Usually, when a writer[1] starts with the "anyone can die" bullcrap, it, in my experience, almost unilaterally means "we're going to kill off lots of characters because Drama!" And my attitude is if you (the writer) don't care about your characters except as fodder for (attempted) cheap emotional shock value, why the hell should I care about them? It is why I don't don't watch disaster or slasher movies. If you (the metaphorical you) will treat your protagonists with less regard than I treat my standard units in an RTS game, I'm not even going to give you the time of day for a choice in my entertainment media.

Character death does not equal good writing anymore than any other tool, but it is often given the correlation, and it's one I wholeheartedly disagree with. It says you cannot think of anymore stories to tell with that character, or that you rate short-term emotional impact (let's face it VERY few media dwell on characters that have died for very long) higher than long-term character development.

(I mean SURELY you weren't reading that as "if some writer says that they will show a eagerness and willingness to kill fictional characters in their work of fiction for some half-arsed goal of "realism" or really for shock value, Aotrs Commander will not care about anyone or anything in any universe ever, fictional or otherwise? That wouldn't be nihilism, that'd be completely bonkers...


I mean, sure, I'm quite, quite insane (or quite, quite sane, depending on perspective [2]) and I have a generally low regard for human life at the best of times because I'm Evil, but that is entirely earned by humanity's own actions, not because some writers like a high body-count in their stories...!)

[1]And if you do know how to contact writer of the real life universe, please do share it with me, I'd like to take up a few issues with them, starting with the everything...

[2]I.e. mine verses everyone else's...
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Re: Star Trek (Dis): The Butcher's Knife Cares Not for the Lamb's Cry

Post by kaingerc »

CharlesPhipps wrote:
kaingerc wrote:I really have no idea how Saru's "Bovine-sense" works.
Michael being near him sets it off because she's a potential threat to him but the tardigrade isn't?
Does that mean he doesn't even need to antagonize Michael for her to maul him?
Or does that mean he needs to be aware of the threat for it to start tingling? (Which makes Michael's test pointless)
It works like the Spider Sense.

Danger is near!

How does that work scientifically?

It DOES work like the Spider-sense.
As in, only when it is plot convenient.
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Re: Star Trek (Dis): The Butcher's Knife Cares Not for the Lamb's Cry

Post by Darth Wedgius »

No Silence of the Lambs reference?

Also, what would happen if you hooked Saru's fear-dinglies up to a bomb that would only go off if the dinglies didn't twitch?
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Re: Star Trek (Dis): The Butcher's Knife Cares Not for the Lamb's Cry

Post by Fianna »

It says you cannot think of anymore stories to tell with that character, or that you rate short-term emotional impact (let's face it VERY few media dwell on characters that have died for very long) higher than long-term character development.
On the other hand, I can think of plenty of shows which kept characters around long after they stopped having any real purpose in the story, and their continued survival became increasingly improbable. Killing them off earlier on, with a suitably emotional death scene, would have made a far more satisfying conclusion to their story than to see them continue on aimlessly.

I have serious issues with the website Cracked, but they were spot on when they pointed out that anyone's life story, if it continues long enough, is eventually going to end with ". . . and then they died."
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Re: Star Trek (Dis): The Butcher's Knife Cares Not for the Lamb's Cry

Post by thisithis »

This show is a joke if you ask me. Watching moron girl shoot at the Armor-plated creature that was ripping apart bulkhead like it was made of so swiss cheese, just keeps reminding me of Stargate Universe. And that show had some pretty stupid people doing all the same shit, like watching the leader of the civilians try to take on the well trained Marines hand to hand. Or in SGU where they shoot at a huge spider which is standing a support beam for the ancient building their in, or how a teenage girl thinks it's ok to stand under a light cut into the bulkhead of there ship their in during an alien invasion.

Shows that did the whole anyone can die done right (if you ask me) with shows like Game of Thrones and ExoSquad. Where not all the characters, died doing something so stupid. Ok, Marcus in ExoSquad did mutiny and later got himself killed. But it wasn't one stupid act after another like in SGU and STD.
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Re: Star Trek (Dis): The Butcher's Knife Cares Not for the Lamb's Cry

Post by Admiral X »

Anyone else think that the spore drive in action looks completely ridiculous and hilarious?
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Re: Star Trek (Dis): The Butcher's Knife Cares Not for the Lamb's Cry

Post by Ikiry0 »

Going to Sporp is always funny to see.
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Re: Star Trek (Dis): The Butcher's Knife Cares Not for the Lamb's Cry

Post by Madner Kami »

Ikiry0 wrote:Going to Sporp is always funny to see.
Imagine sporing when the inertial dampeners are failing. With warp, they all end up as a pile of goop at the back of the ship. With sporping, they paint the entire ship's inards with vomit and gooped crew, except the rear walls. Oh and of course, there's going to be that one "lucky" fucker, who is in the center of the rotational axis of the ship and has to see and clean that mess.
Last edited by Madner Kami on Sun Feb 18, 2018 2:32 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Star Trek (Dis): The Butcher's Knife Cares Not for the Lamb's Cry

Post by Karha of Honor »

thisithis wrote:This show is a joke if you ask me. Watching moron girl shoot at the Armor-plated creature that was ripping apart bulkhead like it was made of so swiss cheese, just keeps reminding me of Stargate Universe. And that show had some pretty stupid people doing all the same shit, like watching the leader of the civilians try to take on the well trained Marines hand to hand. Or in SGU where they shoot at a huge spider which is standing a support beam for the ancient building their in, or how a teenage girl thinks it's ok to stand under a light cut into the bulkhead of there ship their in during an alien invasion.

Shows that did the whole anyone can die done right (if you ask me) with shows like Game of Thrones and ExoSquad. Where not all the characters, died doing something so stupid. Ok, Marcus in ExoSquad did mutiny and later got himself killed. But it wasn't one stupid act after another like in SGU and STD.
GOT really dropped the ball lately.
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