On Political Violence

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Karha of Honor
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Re: On certain recent events involving physical altercations between protesters and the far right

Post by Karha of Honor »

Arkle wrote:
Agent Vinod wrote:
Arkle wrote:
Agent Vinod wrote:So people are retards who need to be put into reeducation camps to learn only the ''right'' thing or be forced to live in fear?
Can you translate this post into English for me? Maybe without using an ableist slur while you're at it?
I think the Democrats should just dissolve because the very idea behind the party is ableist. Don't you think? I mean all this talk about wnning and shit. It's disgusting.
Ah, I see. You're a troll. Okay, good to know. I no longer have to take anything you say seriously. Bye, Felicia.
I was just following your logic train? Did i get lost?
Dragon Angel
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Re: On certain recent events involving physical altercations between protesters and the far right

Post by Dragon Angel »

Rasp wrote:Well we should take the usual route of using the word frivolously until it loses all impact and meaning - See the usual scapegoat 'Literally'.
I think gay people would like to see you about thinking the same logic regarding a certain slur beginning with F. Or trans people regarding a certain slur beginning with T.
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Karha of Honor
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Re: On certain recent events involving physical altercations between protesters and the far right

Post by Karha of Honor »

Dragon Angel wrote:
Rasp wrote:Well we should take the usual route of using the word frivolously until it loses all impact and meaning - See the usual scapegoat 'Literally'.
I think gay people would like to see you about thinking the same logic regarding a certain slur beginning with F. Or trans people regarding a certain slur beginning with T.
Did they ever held a vote on the matter?
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Re: On certain recent events involving physical altercations between protesters and the far right

Post by Rasp »

Dragon Angel wrote:
Rasp wrote:Well we should take the usual route of using the word frivolously until it loses all impact and meaning - See the usual scapegoat 'Literally'.
I think gay people would like to see you about thinking the same logic regarding a certain slur beginning with F. Or trans people regarding a certain slur beginning with T.
I do use that same logic and I have nether a conventional gender or sexuality - I just don't allow words to control me in that fashion. you wanna call me a fag or a bitch or whatever? You can do that free speech is a wonderful thing after all and I hear far far worse than that all the time.
I am the one who requested Chuck review Kannazuki No Miko. (under an old alias)

I count it among the most despicable things I have ever done to another human being and I'm sorry.

Things I have requested that are not evil:
* Anna's Quest
* Contradiction
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Admiral X
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Re: On Political Violence

Post by Admiral X »

Dragon Angel wrote:*snipped*
So are you advocating for the use of violence over political differences, or not?
Rocketboy1313 wrote:
Wild_Kraken wrote:The thread has been split because it's strayed off the topic of the episode.
Snappy title.
And yet inaccurate as the "protestors" are not protestors by their own admission. Also this is not a right-left issue, but one of violence in general. It's laughable in that every single person I've seen advocate for violence here doesn't seem to have ever let the thought enter their brain that they might be on the other end of it.
Dragon Angel wrote:
Rasp wrote:Well we should take the usual route of using the word frivolously until it loses all impact and meaning - See the usual scapegoat 'Literally'.
I think gay people would like to see you about thinking the same logic regarding a certain slur beginning with F. Or trans people regarding a certain slur beginning with T.
Because gay people never refer to themselves as fags or dykes and trans people never refer to themselves as trannies? :lol: The Rocky Horror Picture Show must be especially triggering for you then, eh? Image
Last edited by Admiral X on Sun Mar 12, 2017 7:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: On Political Violence

Post by Admiral X »

Rasp wrote:
Arkle wrote:
Agent Vinod wrote:So people are retards who need to be put into reeducation camps to learn only the ''right'' thing or be forced to live in fear?
Can you translate this post into English for me? Maybe without using an ableist slur while you're at it?
That counts as a slur now? maybe we should worry about actual substance rather than word choice.
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Dragon Angel
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Re: On Political Violence

Post by Dragon Angel »

Admiral X wrote:So are you advocating for the use of violence over political differences, or not?
I make it a point to not argue with people who cannot grasp nuance (or does not bother to read what they respond to).

By the way, if you're just going to troll then yeah, you aren't worth responding to. I came here primarily to say my piece to Chuck, not to argue with random keyboard warriors. :mrgreen:
Admiral X wrote:And yet inaccurate as the "protestors" are not protestors by their own admission. Also this is not a right-left issue, but one of violence in general. It's laughable in that every single person I've seen advocate for violence here doesn't seem to have ever let the thought enter their brain that they might be on the other end of it.
I can assure you trans people, especially trans women, have had the thought of violence occurring to them plenty of times.
Admiral X wrote:Because gay people never refer to themselves as fags or dykes and trans people never refer to themselves as trannies? :lol: The Rocky Horror Picture Show must be especially triggering for you then, eh? Image
It takes a certain type of personality to immediately go to "lol u triggered mate".

Also look up the term "N-word privileges" sometime.
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Re: On Political Violence

Post by Steve »

We're wobbling along the redline on civility, so let's pull back from it please. Or I'll have to lock the thread.
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Re: On Political Violence

Post by Admiral X »

Dragon Angel wrote: I make it a point to not argue with people who cannot grasp nuance (or does not bother to read what they respond to).
I can grasp it, apparently better than the people advocating beating up people they disagree with. They seem to lack the understanding that there's something between tolerating something you don't agree with being said in the name of free speech and letting people do whatever they want.
By the way, if you're just going to troll then yeah, you aren't worth responding to.
I'm not trolling, I'm asking an honest question. Do you advocate the use of violence over political differences (i.e. because you've labelled someone a Nazi) or not?
I came here primarily to say my piece to Chuck, not to argue with random keyboard warriors. :mrgreen:
And no one's making you respond to me or anyone else.
I can assure you trans people, especially trans women, have had the thought of violence occurring to them plenty of times.
What I'm getting at is that the people saying it's okay to beat someone up because they've decided they're a Nazi (whether they are or not is immaterial) can have the same argument/mentality used against them. For example, since most of the people doing this identify as communist or socialist, it could be argued that since communism and socialism have actually killed and oppressed far more people than the Nazis did, it should be okay for someone to beat the crap out of them. Or even just because of their own actions in lashing out in such a way. Image
It takes a certain type of personality to immediately go to "lol u triggered mate".
Yeah, one that doesn't take that crap too terribly seriously. Image
Also look up the term "N-word privileges" sometime.
I'm aware of the double-standards some people have. I'm not one for double-standards, so the use in the context I'm describing has more to do with not giving so much power to the words. It's a way of saying
To both the words themselves, and anyone fool enough to try to denigrate someone with them.
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Re: On certain recent events involving physical altercations between protesters and the far right

Post by Fuzzy Necromancer »

Rasp wrote:
Dragon Angel wrote:
Rasp wrote:Well we should take the usual route of using the word frivolously until it loses all impact and meaning - See the usual scapegoat 'Literally'.
I think gay people would like to see you about thinking the same logic regarding a certain slur beginning with F. Or trans people regarding a certain slur beginning with T.
I do use that same logic and I have nether a conventional gender or sexuality - I just don't allow words to control me in that fashion. you wanna call me a fag or a bitch or whatever? You can do that free speech is a wonderful thing after all and I hear far far worse than that all the time.
Slurs don't hurt you, personally. That doesn't mean they stop being slurs.

Speaking as a bisexual, the word that is used to describe a block of wood hurts me, and scares me, because in many circumstances it is followed with a broken bottle.

Admiral X, you talk about Advocating Violence Against People With Different Political Views. This seems to be something you consider immoral.
Richard Spencer is advocating violence against people. Only he's not advocating violence against people with different viewpoints, he is advocating ethnic cleansing.

This is not somebody others are labeling as a Nazi. This is a self-identified Nazi.
The premise is not "it's okay to attack grammar nazis" or "it's okay to attack feminazis". This is "It's okay to attack actual, genuine, self-identified Nazis, who advocate for ethnic clensing and shout 'Hail Victory' and do the Hilter Salute."
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