Favorite Funniest SF Debris moment?

This forum is for discussing Chuck's videos as they are publicly released. And for bashing Neelix, but that's just repeating what I already said.
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Re: Favorite Funniest SF Debris moment?

Post by Yukaphile »

Been watching SF Debris too long when I can tell you that. :D
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Re: Favorite Funniest SF Debris moment?

Post by MyUserName »

Chucks rant against Pulaski back in The Child is pure comedy gold.

Speaking of The Gorgon, did ANYONE like her? EVER?

I think even Peter David despised her. He had Data tell her where to shove her opinion at one point while he was experimenting with using different terms of speech. When Geordi commented how harsh he sounded he just said; "Good."
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Re: Favorite Funniest SF Debris moment?

Post by jerkstore »

VOY - Don't recall the episode number, Chakotay takes a shuttlecraft to confront Seska and she demands that he steals a transporter device from Voyager. Chuck mockingly has Chakotay come to the realization that there is one INSIDE THE SHUTTLECRAFT AND SOMEHOW NOBODY REALIZES THIS.
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Re: Favorite Funniest SF Debris moment?

Post by Akatama »

The dinner between Kira, Dukat and Zyal while DS9 is occupied by the Dominion. Chuck's sketch is amazing even though it is nothing but juvenile humor taken to the extreme. Maybe that is exactly it's draw, much like the overkill scene from Robocop where a guy is shot for about a minute or so.
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Re: Favorite Funniest SF Debris moment?

Post by SabreMau »

"Mind Bomb? That sounds cool! I'm changing my answer to his!"
"I can'tー"
"That's two votes for Mind Bomb, we win!"
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Re: Favorite Funniest SF Debris moment?

Post by Worffan101 »

I must admit a certain weakness for the out-of-nowhere diversion into wiki breast page discussion in the Outrageous Okona review.

Though, in general pretty much any joke Chuck makes gets a chuckle out of me. But I mostly watch for his rants; his rants on ENT's notorious rape-as-comedy and genocide-by-negligence episodes are bookmarked in my browser to easily show friends how NOT to write. It's the combination of vitriol and frank, concise summation of just how awful the episodes' messages are that gets me.
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Re: Favorite Funniest SF Debris moment?

Post by Fianna »

My favorite joke has to be this bit from "Hide and Q":

Riker: I could have saved that child.

Picard: You were right not to try.

Chuck as Picard: She needed to die. We must cull the weak from the herd. We must remove the impure! And leave! Only those! In the crucible! With the might! To expand! Across! The universe! EXTERMINATE!!! EXTERMINATE!!! EXTERMINATE!!!
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Re: Favorite Funniest SF Debris moment?

Post by RobbyB1982 »

A brick joke that has been lost to time and the way reviews are uploaded... I no longer even remember when this was or even in what series....

but in one episode Chuck stumbles over a fairly simple tongue twister and makes a comment that "man, I really should be more careful about putting those in my script." and then the next episode delivers an incredibly lengthy and elaborate tongue twister like it was nothing.
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Re: Favorite Funniest SF Debris moment?

Post by m4a2000 »

RobbyB1982 wrote: Wed Jul 04, 2018 8:30 am A brick joke that has been lost to time and the way reviews are uploaded... I no longer even remember when this was or even in what series....

but in one episode Chuck stumbles over a fairly simple tongue twister and makes a comment that "man, I really should be more careful about putting those in my script." and then the next episode delivers an incredibly lengthy and elaborate tongue twister like it was nothing.
I want to say that tongue twister was from a DS9 review dealing with Sisko, sanctions, and Startfleet.
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Re: Favorite Funniest SF Debris moment?

Post by Mindworm »

I'm personally partial to Mirror Janeway.

Same voice, different crazy.
Soulless minion of orthodoxy.
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