What was your first?

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Re: What was your first?

Post by MissKittyFantastico »

Well there were some Star Wars pop-up books (still got 'em), and I dimly remember one of those choose-your-own-adventure things where the main character was an android built by his 'dad' who had to save his classmates from some freak disaster or something without them finding out he wasn't a real boy, but for the most part my early reading went towards fantasy - Hobbit then Lord of the Rings, Narnia followed by getting fed up with Narnia, Discworld in a big way, and so on. Hitchhiker's Guide snuck in early via books on tape, but properly speaking it would have been The Naked Sun.
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Re: What was your first?

Post by AllanO »

I had Star Wars pop-up books! Lost long ago...

I was inspired by this thread to dig up what may have been my first science fiction novel, I can't remember when (or even for sure if) I read it, but would have been pretty early (like grade 3 or 4). Starluck by Donald Wismer. I was so inspired I reread it (it is a pretty short book and fun), it manages to pack a lot of sci-fi cliches and action into its pages. I think most of it went over my head back when I originally read it (like I somehow did not get that k'rati was karate).
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Allan Olley

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Independent George
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Re: What was your first?

Post by Independent George »

Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy. It was also my first 'grownup' book.
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Re: What was your first?

Post by Mickey_Rat15 »

Aside from Star Trek, Star Wars, and Battlestar novelizations and tie-ins, my first that was its own thing was Haldeman's "The Forever War".
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Re: What was your first?

Post by ORCACommander »

I am liking how I am seeing a lot of different titles and not a pile upon the "classics" Still it is nice to see some familiar titles
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Re: What was your first?

Post by lsgreg »

Wow, my grade school library had some old books and I decided to read an old book called "The angry Planet" by John Keir Cross. It was written in a pseudo journal forum so it varied about this trip to Mars and the inhabitants there. It was good pulpy fun though and it started me searching out sci fi books. The next year in the high school library, I found Asimov's Foundation and Empire nestled away...
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Re: What was your first?

Post by Riedquat »

All lost in the mists of time for me. I've a fairly poor memory for times and chronology anyway. Star Wars was ever-present when I was a child but I don't remember reading any Star Wars books.
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