The Orville

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Re: The Orville

Post by CharlesPhipps »

Darth Wedgius wrote:There are a few places the episode could have done better -- a super-advanced civilization is out there, as mentioned above. Having them deciding not to get heavily involved with the Union in the future because they've seen that can awry could have been a nice touch.

Obviously there are a lot of similarities to Voyager's "Blink of an Eye," including use of the artificial person to visit the world for a long time, subjectively. But I still think it was nicely done.

The main objection I had through most of the story -- that if we can come up with Merlin, Coyote, or Anansi, it seems unlikely that one healing would drive the world-wide culture into centuries of worship, was pretty much defused when the Kellyians (Kellyites? Kellyioids?) noted that anything could have served as the seed of that faith. Some note of Our Lady of the Perpetual Hangover Charities might have been a nice note, acknowledging that religion isn't all inquisitions and duck-weighing.

Still, if a bit derivative, it's my favorite episode of the show so far. The personal story dovetailed into the A plot nicely, and, once again, my hat's off to Brannon Braga as a director.
Eh, Seth McFarlane did a world without religion and envisioned it as basically Star Trek. He's actually moderated his views but they're still, "This is a horrible thing of crusades and murder we need to get rid of."
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Re: The Orville

Post by PerrySimm »

Not much for watching live TV these days, but did manage to catch today's episode, "Home". Was fun to see two Star Trek doctors debating medical science.
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Re: The Orville

Post by cilantro »

CharlesPhipps wrote: Sun Dec 17, 2017 10:23 pm

Eh, Seth McFarlane did a world without religion and envisioned it as basically Star Trek. He's actually moderated his views but they're still, "This is a horrible thing of crusades and murder we need to get rid of."
That is where the Krill comes in. They are basically the stand-in for the religious nutjobs on the show and also the big bad as well. At first, I thought that they will be more like the Klingons or maybe even the Romulans but they are more like Cylons from BSG. Hopefully they will flesh them out more and mabe not make them into the standard alien two-dimensional villains?
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Re: The Orville

Post by kingofmadcows »

The Krill are more reminiscent of the Jem'Hadar. I wouldn't be surprised if Avis is another alien species. Maybe the Krill were actually created by another alien and they started worshiping their creators as gods but their creators either abandoned them or went extinct. Maybe an advanced alien visited their homeworld long ago and accidentally created their religion. Maybe it's a Krypton type situation where the original Krill went extinct but managed to launch a ship that seeded another planet to continue their species and the new Krill started worshiping artifacts and tech from the original species.
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Re: The Orville

Post by TheLibrarian »

Holy shit, did this show finally get decent? The framing device of the second season premiere "Ja'loja", Bortus' "ritual", made for a genuinely hilarious teaser and got me hyped for the rest of the episode--which left me disappointed when it ended up being a bunch of lame 80s sitcom plots. But "Primal Urges" and "Home" were actually pretty good! The secret seems to be getting MacFarlane away from the typewriter and off-camera as much as possible. Unfortunately the next episode sounds like an Ed-focused one so I'm strapping in for trouble.
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Re: The Orville

Post by Karha of Honor »

TheLibrarian wrote: Mon Jan 14, 2019 7:35 pm Holy shit, did this show finally get decent? The framing device of the second season premiere "Ja'loja", Bortus' "ritual", made for a genuinely hilarious teaser and got me hyped for the rest of the episode--which left me disappointed when it ended up being a bunch of lame 80s sitcom plots. But "Primal Urges" and "Home" were actually pretty good! The secret seems to be getting MacFarlane away from the typewriter and off-camera as much as possible. Unfortunately the next episode sounds like an Ed-focused one so I'm strapping in for trouble.
Can i just jump in only having watched the SFDEbris summary of season 1?
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Re: The Orville

Post by TGLS »

Slash Gallagher wrote: Mon Jan 14, 2019 8:21 pm Can i just jump in only having watched the SFDEbris summary of season 1?
There is one more thing you need to know: the black guy on the bridge is now chief engineer.
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Re: The Orville

Post by PerrySimm »

Tonight's episode: Shades of TNG:"The Enemy", TNG:"Data's Day" and DS9:"The Ascent".

Finally, a Star Trek that can hammer Act V with Billy Joel if the need arises.
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Re: The Orville

Post by Zoinksberg »

--Just gonna go full spoiler talk here, so here's your heads up--

I'm kind of glad they didn't drag the infiltrator plot out, since Teleya and Janel were played by the same actress it was pretty obvious. Can't help but wonder if they named her Janel Tyler as a not-so-subtle dig at another alien infiltrator.

I absolutely loved that The Union has decoy command codes that spits out false data. However, I absolutely hated that Ed then gave that secret away.

I think they are finding a good blend of humor and drama, I have been really enjoying season 2 personally. I hope to see this new species again, possibly as an ally of the Union in their attempt at restraining the Krill. It could lead to some good drama where they ally with them, but as the Union starts to make ground in establishing peace the other species refuses to discontinue their Scorched Earth policy. This could force the Union to make some difficult decisions that could leave them turning their backs on the Krill to allow them to die, or attempting to ally with them against the greater threat and potentially burning all of their diplomatic bridges.
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Re: The Orville

Post by jadenova »

It's not false data. It's the entire Seth MacFarlane collection. He was really prolific.
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