DIS: “Will You Take My Hand?”

This forum is for discussing Chuck's videos as they are publicly released. And for bashing Neelix, but that's just repeating what I already said.
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Re: DIS: “Will You Take My Hand?”

Post by clearspira »

Makeshift Python wrote: Sat Jan 12, 2019 9:19 pm Ignorance? I’m just asking for a source from you folks. Please...

And I am saying you don't need one. Google it.
Darth Wedgius
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Re: DIS: “Will You Take My Hand?”

Post by Darth Wedgius »

I wonder if making the main character a human raised on Vulcan was a mistake. I've heard some people call Michael a little wooden, even by people who liked the actor's performance on The Walking Dead.

From the trailers for STD season 2, I think maybe the shake-up behind the scenes will introduce more lightheartedness into the show. I won't be watching it because I don't want to pay for another streaming service, but hopefully people who do watch the show will enjoy it more.

I suspect STD wasn't as much meant for fans of older Trek as for a newer audience, with the popularity among fans of older Trek reflecting that. Sometimes (speaking purely from a commercial success standpoint) that works (e.g., nuBSG) and sometimes not so much (e.g., Stargate: Universe). If bringing in the Enterprise (no bloody A, B, C, or D) (or E, or J) and Spock reflects a change in focus, that might help fans, too.

Though if it's really going to have Michael help Spock learn how to Spock, I suspect a lot of fans are going to look at the show like the Great Bird of the Galaxy did something rather wet and nasty on it.
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Re: DIS: “Will You Take My Hand?”

Post by Darth Wedgius »

clearspira wrote: Sat Jan 12, 2019 7:13 pm As an aside, I hated Tilly, she made an impact on me like Jar Jar and Neelix, and I don't know why people like her. She is Hollywood autistic AKA a clown that says the wrong things and is a bit nutty but endears herself to everyone around her because she is just so nutty!
She annoys me every time she opens her mouth. You know who she reminds me off? Natalie Portman in Garden State, where they tried to make her so nutty and out of place that one scene had her start to make weird noises for no reason and bounce around like she was being electrocuted.
I'm just guessing, but I think Tilly is appreciated as the closest the show has to a fun character, if only in that she generally seems upbeat. For a setting this dark, that practically makes her Pinkie Pie.
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Makeshift Python
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Re: DIS: “Will You Take My Hand?”

Post by Makeshift Python »

clearspira wrote: Sat Jan 12, 2019 9:33 pm
And I am saying you don't need one. Google it.
That’s not helpful. Besides I’ve tried searching for the Netflix stuff you mentioned earlier.
Sir Will
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Re: DIS: “Will You Take My Hand?”

Post by Sir Will »

Zoinksberg wrote: Sat Jan 12, 2019 7:55 pm Don't forget, they recently announced another animated series in addition to Lower Decks. Lower Decks is (as I understand it) supposed to be more adult while the other series will be either aimed to kids or at least kid friendly.

CBS really does seem to be in a "throw it all at the wall and see what sticks" mode regarding Trek.
More adult. Oh boy.... STD is already their attempt at something more adult (dark). And while the Lower Decks episode of TNG was good, I echo was Chuck said. Not really something I'd want to watch every week.
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Re: DIS: “Will You Take My Hand?”

Post by Karha of Honor »

Darth Wedgius wrote: Sat Jan 12, 2019 9:36 pm I wonder if making the main character a human raised on Vulcan was a mistake. I've heard some people call Michael a little wooden, even by people who liked the actor's performance on The Walking Dead.
I would have liked to see the main black rebel chick from Altered Carbon play Burnham. She seems to have a better combination of projecting wisdom, warmth and aggression.

She lacks that Spock like warmth, probably doing the best she can. She just does not have that in her.
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Re: DIS: “Will You Take My Hand?”

Post by Mikejjj »

If you want a compressed version. [[vid]]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IuMyfI_WM7E[[vid]]

https://redshirtsalwaysdie.com/2018/06/ ... -kurtzman/

Raw numbers the highest last reported number for CBS AA is Only around 2.5 Million https://www.broadcastingcable.com/news/ ... ubscribers that sound like alot. but, nothing in comparison to Hulu with 54 million, 20 million in the states. VRV which has been around for Half as long CBS AA has 4 million which has a super niche market. but let's compare that to Discovery debut ratings which had 9.5 Million people watching it in Sep. 2017 best case only quarter people of the people who watched it subbed for Discovery. and you are not getting all those people watching it. CBS All access is more likely than not restricting Discovery chance at a wider market.
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Re: DIS: “Will You Take My Hand?”

Post by Jonathan101 »

When I heard that Bryan Fuller was helming a new Star Trek show my immediate thought was "Oh, the guy that wrote that Voyager episode released on Christmas where Neelix dies and learns that Heaven isn't real and then tries to kill himself? Clearly this will be a load of fun!"

I haven't seen the show myself but based on these reviews, it turned out EXACTLY like I expected from a mind like that. Dark, joyless, nihilistic and not at all like Star Trek.

Yes, I know he eventually left the series, but he nonetheless set it's general direction; and yes, I know he's done more cheery and funny works including more lighthearted Trek episodes, but still- I feel my intuition was validated. His last project before this was Hannibal and this looks and feels like a Trek series set in the Lecterverse.
Last edited by Jonathan101 on Sat Jan 12, 2019 10:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: DIS: “Will You Take My Hand?”

Post by CrypticMirror »

Yeah, Michael is a Mary Sue writ large with the Sarek's Secret Daughter thing, and that is why I struggled to get into the series. I wouldn't put up with that backstory from a fanfic without skipping over it, and the mindset behind that sort of played into the short promo stories too. The current showrunners were so insecure about STD being accepted into canon that they have continually come up with ways to jam their dumb ideas as far into canon as they can get so that nobody can come afterwards and disentangle them. I kinda object to having an idea forced on me whether I enjoy it or not.

Add into that Michael's flat character, she's moody and miserable throughout, and the dumb ideas like giant tardigrades, space fungus, Kelpians existing at all as a sapient species (you're doing Veganuary ...in SPACE!! and the Muppets already did it better), and the further glorying in Section 31.

Nah. At least with the other Trek series, from TNG all the way to ENT, I came back for the inevitable Season 2 soft reboot, not this time. I'm not prepared to come back for more fumbling around with their instruction manual while they try to get something -anything- right.

I disagree with Chuck in one respect though. Tilly was the most annoying character on the show. This is the first Trek with a 0% relatable female character count. Worse than ENT, where I at least enjoyed some of Hoshi's stuff. As a woman, I want better characters representing me in my science fiction.
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Re: DIS: “Will You Take My Hand?”

Post by Jonathan101 »

Since Mary Sue was herself a parody of Star Trek fan fiction, I guess Michael is bringing the concept full circle.
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