The Orville

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Re: The Orville

Post by Artabax »

CharlesPhipps wrote: Thu Feb 21, 2019 10:55 am
Sir Will wrote: Thu Feb 21, 2019 12:57 am Like, they said 1 female every 75 years. If it's that rare, how old is Klyden and what are the odds a former female would then give birth to the only other female for 75 years?
Bortus laid the egg.
The sex change is said to be a common and easy procedure, If females were only once in 75 years, they would have to consult ancient parchments and hieroglyphs
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Re: The Orville

Post by PerrySimm »

Zoinksberg wrote: Fri Feb 22, 2019 2:03 pm Will they really see this through, or back out in some way?
It hinges on Isaac. They have depicted a certain amount of influence from exposure to biological life has had on his limited amount of "personality". Yet, unlike Data or Asimov bots, there's no guaranteed backstop like a human-written ethical subroutine system.

Also in question is the Kaylons' true agenda. Plainly they are bringing a lot of destructive power with them, but they've also taken hostages. If the Kaylons intended to just killify everyone, they'd have done so already. So what's up with that?
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Re: The Orville

Post by TGLS »

Well, why do they have glowing red eyes, while Isaac has glowing blue eyes?
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Re: The Orville

Post by PerrySimm »

Well, Crichton wasn't there to tape his eyestalk or paint his shell...
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Re: The Orville

Post by technobabbler »

PerrySimm wrote: Sat Feb 23, 2019 12:39 am
Zoinksberg wrote: Fri Feb 22, 2019 2:03 pm Will they really see this through, or back out in some way?
Either the Kaylon get the Piccard speech and becomes friends or they become a permanent villain and Isaac lives in exile like Odo.

The Kaylon do bring up a point---all lifeforms, have a desire to grow geometrically and the galaxy isn't infinitely big.

I would've liked a line, "We (Kaylons) have calculated that in 55,493 years biological life forms would consume all resources in the galaxy. That is not acceptable."

It's a shame TNG/Voyager never had a similar plot. Crew finds a planet or refugees fighting rogue AI like in BSG. And we get the in-universe explanation why even basic androids are so rare in the Star Trek universe.
Darth Wedgius
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Re: The Orville

Post by Darth Wedgius »

They could have uploaded Bortus's porn into the Kaylons, virus and all. If only they had a Mac PowerBook...
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Re: The Orville

Post by kingofmadcows »

technobabbler wrote: Sat Feb 23, 2019 2:26 pm
PerrySimm wrote: Sat Feb 23, 2019 12:39 am
Zoinksberg wrote: Fri Feb 22, 2019 2:03 pm Will they really see this through, or back out in some way?
Either the Kaylon get the Piccard speech and becomes friends or they become a permanent villain and Isaac lives in exile like Odo.

The Kaylon do bring up a point---all lifeforms, have a desire to grow geometrically and the galaxy isn't infinitely big.

I would've liked a line, "We (Kaylons) have calculated that in 55,493 years biological life forms would consume all resources in the galaxy. That is not acceptable."

It's a shame TNG/Voyager never had a similar plot. Crew finds a planet or refugees fighting rogue AI like in BSG. And we get the in-universe explanation why even basic androids are so rare in the Star Trek universe.
Mercer made a big mistake when he showed Isaac "Infinity War." Although, it's lucky that Isaac didn't also see "Guardians of the Galaxy 2" so he'd be able to warn the Kaylons not to put their mass graves in such easily accessible areas.
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Re: The Orville

Post by Sir Will »

Zoinksberg wrote: Fri Feb 22, 2019 2:03 pm All ally against the Krill, admiral? I think you better be calling the Krill to come save your butts.

I really wonder if they have it in them to not hit the reset button on this. The timing is impressive if they don't, with all the character development they gave Isaac this season it would be a bold move to double down on it all being a part of his programming. Every episode told us that he is an emotionless being, but showed us things we want to believe are hints at there being more to it. Will they really see this through, or back out in some way?
I imagine they'll go back on it. Simulation, Isaac comes around for some reason, I dunno. I'm skeptical of writing him off the show but it is possible.
TGLS wrote: Sat Feb 23, 2019 1:08 am Well, why do they have glowing red eyes, while Isaac has glowing blue eyes?
Just to tell the difference. It's weird how some had one red eye and one orange eye.
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Re: The Orville

Post by technobabbler »

Apparently rogue AI isn't a sci-fi trope in the Orville universe.

Would've liked a joke something like---

Not Seth Green: "I can't believe this (all the skulls). It's just like that old robot movie with the governor of California."
J: "Ronald Reagan?"
Not Seth Green: "No, you idiot, that German guy with the long name."
Bortus deadpans: "He is referring to Austrian Arnold Schwarzenegger. The winner of the 2023 Oscar for best actor, but I always liked Sylvester Stallone more"

or something funnier than that.
Darth Wedgius
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Re: The Orville

Post by Darth Wedgius »

I'm going to make a wild gluteus guess and think that tinkering around in Isaac's head was to make him see himself as a Kaylon more than a member of the crew (something safeguards prevented from being done remotely), and that episode 2 will find a way to switch him back to seeing himself as a member of the crew first and a Kaylon second.
I'm going from the episode's title and definitely reaching... out on a limb... funny, this didn't look so high before I started climbing...
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