The Final Star Wars Trailer

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The Final Star Wars Trailer

Post by clearspira »

My hopes were low given how much of a travesty TLJ was, and my hopes are still low.

It looks like fanfiction.

Worse; its fanfiction that screams desperation. ''Yeah, we gone fucked up with that last film. Here, let us apologise by just bringing back every superficial thing you loved about the Original trilogy. Look, its Palpatine! You loved him!! He's back!!!''

Rey, honey. You're right. We do think we know everything there is about you because you are a blank slate. You are STRONG FEMALE CHARACTER archetype number 1 who is a better mechanic, gunner and pilot than Han Solo, became as powerful as Revenge of the Sith Anakin in one week despite the latter having a decade of dedicated training under his belt, is beloved by everyone no matter how brief her interactions with them are, and has no motivations beyond heroism and (briefly) finding her family. (And who wants to bet that THEY ARE suddenly somebody after all? I give 2 to 1 odds.)

Also, anyone else have a good laugh at that line from Luke about how ''confronting fear is the destiny of a Jedi?''
Um, old man, you literally tried to murder your nephew out of fear, then went off and hid on an island for thirty years instead of staying to face what you did, and then repeatedly refused the call to heroism when asked. Who the hell are you to talk about confronting fear? Right now, I would put Disney Luke Skywalker at the same level of ''standing up to fear'' as Jar Jar Binks, who let me remind you, willingly stared down a whole army to protect his people.

My God Disney. What have you done?
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Re: The Final Star Wars Trailer

Post by Mecha82 »

Say what you want (and you surely have) but I am still actually exited to see this one. i am sure I will enjoy this last entry to SW sequel trilogy and I am not shamed to admit it. I know you might not want to read that but then again i don't care what you or anyone else want.
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Re: The Final Star Wars Trailer

Post by CmdrKing »

I think I almost cried when that arrangement of the Star Wars theme kicked in.

Nothing truly popped for me in terms of implications or visuals like in the previous trailer, but... yeah. That track's doing some work.
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Re: The Final Star Wars Trailer

Post by MissKittyFantastico »

That strikes me as a very back-to-JJ kind of trailer, little to no explanation of what's going on, just glimpses and teases of spectacle. I can live with that, I don't need to be reminded who Rey and co. are, and if I'm still kind of mystified what's actually happening here - like, is the First Order taking over the galaxy still? - I was going to see it anyway, I don't mind being baffled a couple more months. I feel like that lack of story kind of falls more on TLJ - good film, bad part-of-a-trilogy - but I can't really find it in myself to get all het up about that, so onwards.

At the very least, while it remains to be seen whether Team JJ can wrangle a satisfying conclusion out of the muddied mess 7 and 8 accidentally became in terms of arc structure, I know they can make a movie I'll enjoy watching, so at least it won't be another Revenge of the Sith where two minutes in I was just wondering to myself "What the fuck is this nonsense?" and that feeling never went away. I'm kind of optimistic, at least - I feel like the approach the trailers seem to be suggesting is a direction that's going to be able to put on its best face, even if it is having to shuffle a few messes under the carpet so nobody notices.

I'm seeing a considerable Lego price tag on that rebel fleet though, even if all the callbacks mean I do already have a bunch of it.
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Re: The Final Star Wars Trailer

Post by AquaReggie »

This could easily be a case of trailers lying, but it looks like they're doing a sort've-adaptation of Dark Empire. If so, it really doubles down on the Original Trilogy characters achievements being undermined - not only was the Empire was able to get back up again and cripple the New Republic, but the big bad they killed to free the galaxy from tyranny wasn't really dead.
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Re: The Final Star Wars Trailer

Post by Yukaphile »

Okay, I was taking a hiatus, but I'm coming back for this.

At least we know how Dark Empire ended, and even with those in charge aggressively promoting the new canon while still pandering to Legends fans at the same time they insult them (it is the corporate mandate, after all), we can say Legends ended on a much better note. The threat was over, the Galactic Empire never returned to power, and they faced various newer threats. Now it's just nonstop Rebels vs. Empire and when that's done, they're gonna bastardize stuff like KOTOR to the big screen. Bleh. This is why I gave up Star Wars. Maybe when the reboot for the reboot comes along, I can love the first reboot. But until then, I refuse to give it a chance. It won't last.

I am sadly noticing a trend here, though. Those who identify along political lines prefer the new films or hate them. I think I am probably a rarity. I don't hate the liberal ideas so much as the pandering that goes with it, out of touch business suits who think this is what those "hip, young, trendy liberal crowd" want. It's become all about maximizing the bottom line to the extent they make money no matter what, so they no longer have to try. I am curious why this political divide affects one's enjoyment of this movie so much? Since I tend to think most Americans think like me, but for completely different reasons, since again, most never knew of the EU or looked down on it. It's because of the lack of a clear creative vision, or what they did to the old characters, or other stuff. And face it, most of this country is centrist, more conservative than you think. But when we let gigantic big-budget bombs like the Bayformers and the prequels and post-9/11 Die Hard films make money, we proved we didn't care about movies, we didn't deserve better. It's just a place to go turn off your brain, nothing more.

Btw, clearspira, level your criticism appropriately. Lucasfilm is doing this, not Disney. I'm curious, who do you think would best be suited to handle Star Wars now? I personally think put it in the public domain, but I'm always eager for new opinions.
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Re: The Final Star Wars Trailer

Post by Yukaphile »

And of course Jar Jar Abrams is going to take from Dark Empire. It means we don't have to pay the royalties to those authors, baby! Like Dave Filoni who claims to be a Legends fan, and puts in little easter eggs, but doesn't adhere to the continuity of Legends.
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Re: The Final Star Wars Trailer

Post by Yukaphile »

It's win-win. If people bitch, hey, it's that old comic! Fuck Legends! And if it works well, hey, what else can we take from the old EU that's being picked apart like a turkey at Thanksgiving to put into our new, so-called respected canon that's built on 30 years of ashes?
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Re: The Final Star Wars Trailer

Post by BridgeConsoleMasher »

jar jar abrams haha
..What mirror universe?
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Re: The Final Star Wars Trailer

Post by Yukaphile »

And Ruin Johnson. It's just fun nicknames, nothing more.
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— Kreia, Knights of the Old Republic 2: The Sith Lords
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