DIS - Point of Light

This forum is for discussing Chuck's videos as they are publicly released. And for bashing Neelix, but that's just repeating what I already said.
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Re: DIS - Point of Light

Post by Mecha82 »

Over all this seemed like rather enjoyable episode if it wasn't for over use of those camera angles. Not having those would had helped to make this one better. But everything else seemed to be on place.
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Re: DIS - Point of Light

Post by Worffan101 »

CrypticMirror wrote: Sat Nov 23, 2019 8:29 pm Season 2 continues Discovery's trend of taking everything I don't like in Trek and running with it. The problem really is, that I hate all the characters; they've all got a main trait that makes them just unwatchable. And not in the Neelix or Trip kind of unwatchable either, where you could at least love to hate them. They are not even interesting enough to properly hatewatch, they are just "what is on on the other channels" type of unwatchable. I've never been so unengaged in a live action Trek show. I've never felt so alienated and unwelcomed by a live action Trek show before either. I don't see how it can improve without a full hard reboot. Maybe if the show leapt forward a hundred or so years, to show the 25thC Discovery vessel, and its new crew. With sensibly named characters, well thought out species, and no -and I absolutely cannot stress this highly enough- no Girl!Wesley at all. And no Section 31, or Mirror Universe.
The sad part is that Mary Wiseman is actually a pretty damn good actress, her voice work in Star Trek Online is downright fantastic, and she clearly has so much fun playing the comically evil Captain Killy, it's adorable.

It all boils down to the writing and cinematography, really. Mostly the writing. It's really getting as bad as Enterprise.
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Re: DIS - Point of Light

Post by Linkara »

This was a good one, advancing several storylines, but Chuck is absolutely right about the cinematography. From what I've heard, the problem is kind of a larger cultural issue with the landscape of TV right now, and in particular shows put in streaming services. The mindset is that in order to justify paying for a premium service (especially as we start approaching the end of the bubble of premium streaming services), there needs to be something that elevates the product more than "just a TV show." With the advancements in camera and special effects technology that make stuff like the techno-crane cheaper than they would have been during, say, when they were making Enterprise, TV shows (particularly ones on streaming services) are more like movies, which in turn leads to many of the problems of Discovery.

The mindset is that the show HAS to be of "cinematic" quality for people to watch it, hence all the goofier flourishes and cinematography. People liked Star Trek 09's universe and its own cinema excess with lens flares and camera movement, so do the same here even when it makes no sense to. The stories have to be big, epic, sweeping space operas instead of quieter human stories or basic ones of exploration. More sex, more swearing, more "I'M AN ADUUUUUUULT" kind of maturity. And of course since the streaming shows don't have time limits on episodes, they can cram in all that they want in the show and delete nothing, hurting the pacing of episodes and no longer trimming the fat.
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Re: DIS - Point of Light

Post by TGLS »

You know, whenever I hear technocrane, Techno starts blaring in my head. https://jukiokallio.bandcamp.com/album/pluto-ep

Regardless, I'm not bothered the over exaggerated cinematography, partially because my attention is usually split when I'm watching television.
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Re: DIS - Point of Light

Post by kingofmadcows »

The show feels so scatterbrained and confused about what its own message is supposed to be.

L'Rell is using T'Kuvma's message to unite the Klingon Empire. Except T'Kuvma believed that the Federation is their enemy and their overtures of peace and diplomacy are a lie and they will ultimately subvert the Klingon Empire from within and destroy their culture. T'Kuvma believed that the Klingons had to destroy the Federation in order to preserve the cultural identity of the Klingons. So how is L'Rell convincing the Klingons to not go to war with the Federation by invoking T'Kuvma?

L'Rell also talks about the creation of the D-7 cruiser. Who exactly is she planning to use that ship against? Are they implying that L'Rell has her own schemes and is only using the Federation to maintain power while she's secretly planning for a future war against the Federation? Except that can't be the case since she only helps the Federation in future episodes.

Funnily enough, this episode also confirms all of T'Kuvma's fears about the Federation. T'Kuvma believed that the Federation wants to secretly subvert the Klingon Empire from within and destroy their culture. And in this episode, the Federation subverts the Klingon Empire by blackmailing its leader.

And Kol-Sha having listening devices in his face paint is pretty dumb. They could have just said that he put a special chemical or radioactive element in the paint that allowed them to track it with their scanners.
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Re: DIS - Point of Light

Post by BridgeConsoleMasher »

I thought people DIDN"T like the lens flare in Trek 09!
..What mirror universe?
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Re: DIS - Point of Light

Post by clearspira »

I've never met anyone who thought the lens flares were a good idea.
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Re: DIS - Point of Light

Post by Nightbeat74 »

just what kinda drugs is the DIS on! :roll: :!: they need a guy :geek: like chuck on the team to read the scripts and watch the test shots say things like less crane cam spinning it is making me dizzy and less space magic this is not star wars this is star trek! more green alien women! or what ever other colour you want :lol:!
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Re: DIS - Point of Light

Post by tjfd88 »

Just wait till Chuck gets to the spinning conference room scene in one of the upcoming episodes. I don't remember which one it was, but the camera just seems to be going around and around while listening to the various characters talk.
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Re: DIS - Point of Light

Post by Nightbeat74 »

tjfd88 wrote: Sun Nov 24, 2019 6:24 am Just wait till Chuck gets to the spinning conference room scene in one of the upcoming episodes. I don't remember which one it was, but the camera just seems to be going around and around while listening to the various characters talk.
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