You might be up to something... but you still miss the mark.LittleRaven wrote: ↑Wed Jan 08, 2020 11:37 pm I think you're confusing "slur" and "slander." Truth is the ultimate defense against the latter, and has no bearing at all on the former. What determines if something is a slur is not whether or not it is a fact but the cultural context of where it is delivered. If I call someone "white trash" in a fancy New York restaurant - that's a slur, even if the person in question is in fact white and poor.
Except, you know, all the neo-Nazis and actual fascist that wear the slur as a badge of honor when it's applied by outsiders and don't use the term as a slur within their - thankfully - little groups. I'm fairly certain calling an actual fascist that's a member of a fascist party now - and yes, they still exist in a few places - a fascist would only be an insult if you meant it as such. As in a journalist reporting on an actual fascist political party would not in fact be insulting it's members by calling them fascists. He could depending on how the phrase would be warded, but he most likely wouldn't since those would be actual fascist and he's probably want to make sure the reader understood that.LittleRaven wrote:Calling someone a fascist is most definitely a slur in pretty much every modern Western nation, even if they're an honest to God Nazi, because the culture they operate in will judge them negatively for being associated with that word. Interesting, calling a fascist a fascist in Nazi Germany would NOT be a slur, because in THAT culture, being a fascist is a compliment.
Now this might just be my legal education but the first time I encountered the term bad faith was in it's legal context so for me at least bad faith actor doesn't carry the "always a slur" baggage it seems to carry with you.
That being said, you are right, I was confusing a slur with slander. But that's because I lacked the baggage you have with the phrase.
And finally:
I don't have a Facebook, Tumblr, Twitter, Gab, Minds and whatever else you might want account. I think I had a Tumblr account at one point, but that was for a few months and then I left. Hell, I have even tuned the 24h news cycle off around a decade and a half ago because all 24 news stations were becoming political and supporting one political party or another. Around 15 years ago because I'm not american, our 24 news stations went off the rails a bit sooner then they did in the US, despite being clones of the US based CNN.LittleRaven wrote:You didn't follow the whole Ellen thing? It dominated Twitter and Youtube for like, 2 weeks. Hell, it even made the papers! BOOMERS weighed in on it.
Either I'm watching too much Youtube or you aren't watching enough.![]()
As for Ellen, while I did catch episodes of the old show from the 90's she was just another TV actress to me. Never saw anything from the talkshow so she kinda fell of the radar for me a long time ago. (no gay puns intended)
As for youtube... I mean, I do watch a lot of YT, but I'm not really a subscriber to the left side, or the right side for that matter. Hell, from the YT you mentioned I only recognized two, hbomberguys - who I know because of his games reviews - yes, really - and Lindsay Ellis - that I knew as Nostalgia Chick on That Guy With the Glasses, and in whom I lost all interest when I found out what her debut short The A-Word.