Kannazuki no Miko 12

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Kannazuki no Miko 12

Post by Edvarius »

Link to the video

They had a death scene last 18 minutes? Why would you make a death scene last that long?! I mean, I get that they could justify it in-universe with some crap about them really being in a spiritual place where time worked differently, but that doesn't mean it's a good idea! And then somebody else still had to come by and finish Himiko's job for her! And I don't want to even touch the whole "raping somebody for their own good" thing. I remember how well that one went back when Dominic Deegan was a thing.

Also, if Chikane had to be reincarnated to be with Himiko again, wouldn't that mean that, assuming they waited until Chikane was about the same age as she was when she died, that at the very least Himiko was in her late 30s/early 40s when she hooked up with a teenager? That just adds a whole other level of squickyness to this whole thing.
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Re: Kannazuki no Miko 12

Post by Archon_Wing »

Edvarius wrote:Link to the video

They had a death scene last 18 minutes? Why would you make a death scene last that long?!
I'm guessing the episodes are set by the producers and they needed something... Plus dying always slows down time in fiction. From my point of view they were probably trying to retroactively justify everything, in the typical hamfistetd manner.
Also, if Chikane had to be reincarnated to be with Himiko again, wouldn't that mean that, assuming they waited until Chikane was about the same age as she was when she died, that at the very least Himiko was in her late 30s/early 40s when she hooked up with a teenager? That just adds a whole other level of squickyness to this whole thing.
Oh, I never realized that. I always assumed they'd be in the next life for both of them. Yeesh. Maybe Chikane II would wait longer? Probably not. ;;

But at least it's over. Let it be buried where nobody can ever find it again.
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Re: Kannazuki no Miko 12

Post by jstrahan »

Has it really been three years since you reviewed episode 1? My, time flies when you're having fun. :)
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Re: Kannazuki no Miko 12

Post by Rasp »

*cackles evilly*
I am the one who requested Chuck review Kannazuki No Miko. (under an old alias)

I count it among the most despicable things I have ever done to another human being and I'm sorry.

Things I have requested that are not evil:
* Anna's Quest
* Contradiction
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Re: Kannazuki no Miko 12

Post by zugabdu »

For a better, shorter death scene, see the 1970s Turkish film "Karate Girl":

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Re: Kannazuki no Miko 12

Post by FakeGeekGirl »


That epic takedown of the show was the most unreservedly savage Chuck has been for a while. And damn does this show deserve it.

Chikane could have done anything to make Himeko hate her. She could have made her think she killed her friend (but not really done it). She could have done so many things that didn't involve hurting Himeko in this horrific, bodily and psychological way, and I am supposed to buy that she loves her?!

NO. NO NO NO NO. No I do not buy this.
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Re: Kannazuki no Miko 12

Post by Winter »

Well its official, we've found a romance that is worse then Twilight and 50 Shade of Grey.
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Re: Kannazuki no Miko 12

Post by SabreMau »

Reminds me of the story from Dave Barry Does Japan on his first experience with kabuki:
In face, everybody seemed to whine a lot. Kabuki has the same dramatic pacing as bridge construction. It's not at all unusual for a play to last ten hours. And bear in mind that one hour of watching Kabuki is the equivalent of seventeen hours spent in a more enjoyable activity, such as eye surgery.
A man who has been doing most of the whining―I think he might be the one who lost the sacred incense burner―announces suddenly (by which I mean, in only about five minutes) that he is going to commit suicide. He stabs himself in the gut, thereby causing a stirring of hope to ripple through the audience as it appears that the play might possibly be coming to an end.

But no. If you think this man could whine before, you should see him when he has stabbed himself. He kneels at center stage, holding his gut, and squalls at the audience for fifteen minutes. Meanwhile, other people appear and comment at length on how tragic the situation is. It is. And nobody does anything about it, such as call the samurai paramedic unit. They just whine about it, with the victim himself making more noise than anybody.
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Re: Kannazuki no Miko 12

Post by Arkle »

You know, at least the long ass death scene in Buffy the Vampire Slayer (the movie) was funny.

Well, I thought it was funny.
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Re: Kannazuki no Miko 12

Post by Mickey_Rat15 »

I hope Alt Encephalon is satisfied. Though surely that one has broken some laws against inflicting mental torture on another person?
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