Picard - Remembrance

This forum is for discussing Chuck's videos as they are publicly released. And for bashing Neelix, but that's just repeating what I already said.
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Re: Picard - Remembrance

Post by Link8909 »

CaptainCalvinCat wrote: Tue Jun 30, 2020 5:07 pm
That's all you can do, honestly. Ignore the idiots, who are bitching and moaning and "das eigene Ding durchziehen" (as it is called in German) - more or less "Just do it" or "Do the thing". Personally, I'd like it better, if more authors would have that chuzpe, have that balls to say "Know what? I know that is not for everyone, but I don't care, I write it anyway."

Unfortunately, Trek is a brand. And if enough Idiots keep bitching and moaning, about "how new Trek is hurting his feelings" because "mimimi, this is just SJW-Stuff" and idiots with a huge range might tell other idiots "don't bother watching it" and those nincompoops say "Hey, great, thank you, Nerdrotic said "it's not worth watching" so I don't need to watch it" , this might lead to Picard, Discovery, Strange, New Worlds etc. to be cancelled.
And they were afraid of Trek being cancelled or having less advertisment in the Berman-era, too. Because some conservative Jack Ass might say "Oh, I am not pouring our hard earned money in an advertisement that is connected to gay couples." I'm glad, we're done with that bullshit.
Absolutely, these type of people don’t actually care about wanting Star Trek to get better, they just either want to get internet famous from easy add revenues, or want everyone else to be as hate filled, miserable and cynically as they are, and use whatever dirty tactics they can from gate keeping, demeaning other peoples intelligence, belittling the people who try to show support, harassing the cast and crew of these new shows, and even making up horrible rumors, all under the guise of protecting the integrity of the franchise.

Like I said, I'm ok with people not liking Star Trek Picard or any other piece of media, people don't have to like the same things as I do, and if people can calmly and respectfully put their opinions out there like here on this forum, and not go overboard that would make Annie Wilkes look tame by comparison, then It's all ok in my book, but those people that do all those terrible things aren't helping the franchise, and in fact are hurting the image of the fanbase, painting the rest of the people who are sensible and reasonable as the same as those people.
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Re: Picard - Remembrance

Post by BunBun299 »

CaptainCalvinCat wrote: Tue Jun 30, 2020 5:07 pm
BunBun299 wrote: Tue Jun 30, 2020 2:24 pm
Why didn't Dahj immediately call 911 (or what ever the 24th century equivalent is) after she was attacked?
Well, it's obvious. The authors wanted her to go to Picard, not to call the cops - one could explain it with the plotline, that her Programme forced her to go to Picard, not to call the cops. Same with the Medics - Programme kicking in, so her first priority is calling Picard for help, not other people. Think of it as a plot-threat taken from a movie out of film noir.
If the answer is, 'because the plot requires it' then it is officially bad writing. Why would she be programmed to seek out Picard for help? He's a 95 year old man, long retired from Starfleet. He has no remaining connections or favors he can call upon. At best, he's a known opponent of the Synth Ban (which is a whole other can of stupid, but I'll save that rant for a later episode discussion), so he might be sympathetic to the cause. But there is absolutely no in universe reason to expect that Picard would in anyway be capable of helping.
Of course, why does Dahj even need help? She's clearly capable of defending herself. Why are she and Soji even being sent in as sleeper agents? This might make sense if there were fear of telepaths reading their minds, but they're robots, telepaths can't read their minds. They'd be far more capable of accomplishing their objectives if they knew what those objectives were.

I really hate this show.
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Re: Picard - Remembrance

Post by CaptainCalvinCat »

BunBun299 wrote: Wed Jul 01, 2020 1:58 am
CaptainCalvinCat wrote: Tue Jun 30, 2020 5:07 pm
BunBun299 wrote: Tue Jun 30, 2020 2:24 pm
Why didn't Dahj immediately call 911 (or what ever the 24th century equivalent is) after she was attacked?
Well, it's obvious. The authors wanted her to go to Picard, not to call the cops - one could explain it with the plotline, that her Programme forced her to go to Picard, not to call the cops. Same with the Medics - Programme kicking in, so her first priority is calling Picard for help, not other people. Think of it as a plot-threat taken from a movie out of film noir.
If the answer is, 'because the plot requires it' then it is officially bad writing. Why would she be programmed to seek out Picard for help? He's a 95 year old man, long retired from Starfleet. He has no remaining connections or favors he can call upon. At best, he's a known opponent of the Synth Ban (which is a whole other can of stupid, but I'll save that rant for a later episode discussion), so he might be sympathetic to the cause. But there is absolutely no in universe reason to expect that Picard would in anyway be capable of helping.
Of course, why does Dahj even need help? She's clearly capable of defending herself. Why are she and Soji even being sent in as sleeper agents? This might make sense if there were fear of telepaths reading their minds, but they're robots, telepaths can't read their minds. They'd be far more capable of accomplishing their objectives if they knew what those objectives were.

I really hate this show.
Let me preface this with your sentence: " I really hate this show."

Yeah, I kinda figured. So there is no way in heaven or hell, I could even try to explain to you, why things might be working out - but let me try anyway.

Why would Dahj be programmed to seek out Picard? Well, if we take the whole "Data"-Connection into consideration: Why would you not try to connect to the captain of your father - even if it would work unconsciously, because you didn't know, that you'd be the Daughter of Data at that point in time. But as we can see with Soji later: Both sisters are running their programmes.

Concerning the Synth-Ban: Well, imagine it this way: From the Federations point of view, the Synths attacked Mars - so of course you would be inclined to get rid of that menace.

Why would Dahj need help? Well, sure, she kicked the asses of five romulans - but that worked subconsciously. The whole "programme" worked, without Dahj knowing, what she was capable of. Sure, she kicked asses, but then she returned to her own self, even wondering what she did. And then her other programme kicked in, the other directive was "Find Jean Luc Picard".

And probably not, that Picard can now kick some ass, but that Picard can take her in, as he did with other refugees, and could protect her through his name and status.
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Re: Picard - Remembrance

Post by hammerofglass »

She had intuited what she was, even if she was in denial. Calling the cops would be nothing but "murder me, please" and she knew it.
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Re: Picard - Remembrance

Post by Link8909 »

CaptainCalvinCat wrote: Wed Jul 01, 2020 9:46 am Let me preface this with your sentence: " I really hate this show."

Yeah, I kinda figured. So there is no way in heaven or hell, I could even try to explain to you, why things might be working out - but let me try anyway.

Why would Dahj be programmed to seek out Picard? Well, if we take the whole "Data"-Connection into consideration: Why would you not try to connect to the captain of your father - even if it would work unconsciously, because you didn't know, that you'd be the Daughter of Data at that point in time. But as we can see with Soji later: Both sisters are running their programmes.

Concerning the Synth-Ban: Well, imagine it this way: From the Federations point of view, the Synths attacked Mars - so of course you would be inclined to get rid of that menace.

Why would Dahj need help? Well, sure, she kicked the asses of five romulans - but that worked subconsciously. The whole "programme" worked, without Dahj knowing, what she was capable of. Sure, she kicked asses, but then she returned to her own self, even wondering what she did. And then her other programme kicked in, the other directive was "Find Jean Luc Picard".

And probably not, that Picard can now kick some ass, but that Picard can take her in, as he did with other refugees, and could protect her through his name and status.
mathewgsmith wrote: Wed Jul 01, 2020 10:57 am She had intuited what she was, even if she was in denial. Calling the cops would be nothing but "murder me, please" and she knew it.
Honesty, this is also my reasoning for Dahj going to Picard as well, also it might just be me but the scene of Dahj meeting Picard reminds me of how old 1930's detective stories started, in fact thinking about it Star Trek Picard is kind of like Picard's holographic Dixon Hill novels, with Picard unravelling the mystery behind Dahj and her death.
"I think, when one has been angry for a very long time, one gets used to it. And it becomes comfortable like…like old leather. And finally… it becomes so familiar that one can't remember feeling any other way."

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Re: Picard - Remembrance

Post by Hero_Of_Shadows »

Something that doesn't quite sit right with me is the notion that Dahj and her sister are Data's daughters, not sure what the spoiler policy is here but a lot of people worked to build them.

Data's contribution was:
a) technology that was extracted from his corpse after he died
b) a painting he did which formed the basis for the external look of Dahj

Now even with him titling that painting "Daughter" and him willingly contributing to Maddox's research it's very iffy to me if he wanted to have Dahj and Asha, yes he definitely wanted Lal and he built her himself but the androids that were built much later after his death ?

But I understand that having Data's children as opposed to some generic androids is guaranteed to draw in Picard and more importantly draw in the audience, and this to me is a form of bad/lazy writing the writers were hedging their bets and linking new characters to the old to have that instant bond to the audience.
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Re: Picard - Remembrance

Post by Thebestoftherest »

Hero_Of_Shadows wrote: Wed Jul 01, 2020 12:22 pm Something that doesn't quite sit right with me is the notion that Dahj and her sister are Data's daughters, not sure what the spoiler policy is here but a lot of people worked to build them.

Data's contribution was:
a) technology that was extracted from his corpse after he died
b) a painting he did which formed the basis for the external look of Dahj

Now even with him titling that painting "Daughter" and him willingly contributing to Maddox's research it's very iffy to me if he wanted to have Dahj and Asha, yes he definitely wanted Lal and he built her himself but the androids that were built much later after his death ?

But I understand that having Data's children as opposed to some generic androids is guaranteed to draw in Picard and more importantly draw in the audience, and this to me is a form of bad/lazy writing the writers were hedging their bets and linking new characters to the old to have that instant bond to the audience.
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Re: Picard - Remembrance

Post by CaptainCalvinCat »

Hero_Of_Shadows wrote: Wed Jul 01, 2020 12:22 pm Something that doesn't quite sit right with me is the notion that Dahj and her sister are Data's daughters, not sure what the spoiler policy is here but a lot of people worked to build them.

Data's contribution was:
a) technology that was extracted from his corpse after he died
b) a painting he did which formed the basis for the external look of Dahj

Now even with him titling that painting "Daughter" and him willingly contributing to Maddox's research it's very iffy to me if he wanted to have Dahj and Asha, yes he definitely wanted Lal and he built her himself but the androids that were built much later after his death ?

But I understand that having Data's children as opposed to some generic androids is guaranteed to draw in Picard and more importantly draw in the audience, and this to me is a form of bad/lazy writing the writers were hedging their bets and linking new characters to the old to have that instant bond to the audience.
Well, sometimes you just have to accept certain things.
For example, the fact, that - in theory -the corpse is not even Datas, but B4s, which would turn the Synths into B4s children, although Data had a backup installed into B4. Datas original body was destroyed in the Scimitar-Explosion.

One could call the kids "Data-in-B4s-Bodys Kids" but - let's be honest, that might complicate things further. And if we want to make the show accessible to the viewing habits of todays audiences, you have to make sure, that they understand the basics. So: Datas children it is.

Same with Lal.
Sure, we might be interested in the question "Why are you not bringing in Lal, while you're at it?", however if you want to bring in new audiences, too, you might confuse them with too much backstory. And let's be honest: Not every Star Trek: Picard Episode can be prefaced with Chuck singing the backstory in the tone of Willhelm Tell.

You might call it lazy writing - or even bad one - but this is pure business economics. You can condemn it, however that changes nothing.
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Re: Picard - Remembrance

Post by MrL1992 »

The more common general things that some complain about, like a flawed Federation, some questionable science, the Romulans being more diverse etc are things I don't see Chuck being fussed over given his past reviews (at least that's my read on him).

I would though think he'd like it more than Discovery, which, despite having a lot of criticisms, doesn't rip it to shreds like some.
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Re: Picard - Remembrance

Post by BridgeConsoleMasher »

I thought this show was a bit more on rails than Discovery.
..What mirror universe?
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