Upcoming Films

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Re: Upcoming Films

Post by SabreMau »

The Romulan Republic wrote:
Fuzzy Necromancer wrote:Oh gremplork I would love to see MLP The Movie too. ;-; The trailers look GREAT. Unlikely that I'll be able to afford two movie tickets in a two-month span though. =/
I only found out that their was going to be an MLP film on Friday*
The Romulan Republic wrote:*When I went to see Kingsman: The Golden Circle.
Did they actually put a trailer for My Little Pony: The Movie on Kingsman 2? Because that's something I thought about doing if it wouldn't get me in trouble with the trailer compliance checkers from corporate.

Speaking of Blade Runner 2049, I just found out yesterday that it's a 2 hour, 43 minute movie. And probably getting a trailer pack around 20 minutes long to push the playlist over three hours, so I'll have to stay at work until 1 AM every night as long as it's in the IMAX auditorium. I probably wasn't going to watch it anyway, but now I have a grudge against it.
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Re: Upcoming Films

Post by The Romulan Republic »

You work with movie trailers? Cool.

And no, no MLP trailer on Kingsman. I picked up one of those free magazines they have in the theatre about current/upcoming movies, and My Little Pony jumped out at me unexpectedly. :D
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Re: Upcoming Films

Post by Ordo »

Saw Blade Runner 2049, I liked it. I really don't want to say more than that since I went into the film almost completely blind about it's plot and characters and I don't want to rob anyone else of that experience.
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Re: Upcoming Films

Post by The Romulan Republic »

I was expecting a lot of the usual kneejerk fan backlash against Blade Runner due to it being a long-delayed sequel to a classic.

But thus far, the few comments I've seen on it have pretty much all been leaning to the positive side. Which tells me either the internet fans have suddenly gotten a lot less critical (HAH!) or this is probably a pretty good film. I was on the fence about seeing it, but I probably will try to now.
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Re: Upcoming Films

Post by ChiggyvonRichthofen »

Well I saw Blade Runner 2049. I didn't necessarily agree with every choice that was made, but you don't see artistry like this in blockbuster movies every day. Very good film, and a bold vision. It's the rare sequel that really stands as its own film.

Too bad it's being rewarded accordingly with a very disappointing weekend at the box office which falls way below early tracking. Well, hopefully it has long legs and a strong award season.
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Re: Upcoming Films

Post by MadAmosMalone »

IIRC the original, back in '82, wasn't very well received either.


I put the time index into the link so you can skip to the Blade Runner review.
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Re: Upcoming Films

Post by Robovski »

I just saw Bladerunner 2049 today myself, and I can say that while I enjoyed it, I can also say that it is not likely a commercial success, it is a slower paced movie than what you typically see today, and certainly an artistic film. I enjoyed it's nearly three hours as I enjoy feeling the dystopian world and enjoying the soundtrack, but I can't imagine this would fly well with the Transformers movie going crowd or even with those who like La La Land and movies like it. I do think a fan of the original can enjoy this movie - I like both - but I'll stop there so i don't spoil crap.
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Re: Upcoming Films

Post by MadAmosMalone »

That's good news. I was hoping it would be slower paced like the original.
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Re: Upcoming Films

Post by MissKittyFantastico »

I enjoyed Blade Runner, and I'm glad I saw it, but without spoiling anything (because it's worth seeing unspoiled) there was really only one element of the film that stayed with me in any meaningful way after the credits rolled, and that element wasn't what the film ultimately chose to focus on, so I felt no personal stake in the finale much. Beautifully realised world though. I love that they largely ignored reality, in terms of history having nearly caught up to the original's 2019, and just treated the original film as gospel, including all the future-as-seen-from-the-80s 'mistakes'.
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Re: Upcoming Films

Post by The Romulan Republic »

Every comment I read on Blade Runner seems to be predominantly good. That's... an astoundingly positive level of response to a long-delayed sequel to a classic film, in my experience.

I'm going to have to see this one if I can.
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