What would make a better premise for STD?

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Madner Kami
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Re: What would make a better premise for STD?

Post by Madner Kami »

Simplicius wrote: Thu Mar 21, 2019 11:31 pm I think the premise could easily have worked. Just use the ENT aesthetics with a bit of 'The Cage' splashed here and there. Maintaining continuity with the other shows isn't that hard, you just need to plan things out properly and avoid the crutch of constant references and tie-ins.

Like capitalise on the development that Enterprise gave the federation founder races (plus the Denobulans), focus on interpersonal relationships and character pieces or take a deeper look at the Orions.
That is a good one. How much do we really know about the Federation and it's member-races? We've had more episodes about the Klingons, than about Vulcans. We've got more episodes about Romulans, than Andorians (and they are clearly a fan-favourite). A little introspection about the Federation and it's working, the races, the planets, the colonies. There's so much material there that could be fleshed out. Should be fleshed out.
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Re: What would make a better premise for STD?

Post by Beelzquill »

Hell, I'd like to see more on the Tellarites even. One of the reasons I love DS9 is that it's basically set on really near Bajor and it's culture is really explored. I'd be interested if there was a "Starfleet Academy" not set on Earth, I mean there's six hundred billion people in the Federation, assuming at least one percent of the population wants to join Starfleet they can't all be trained on Earth right?
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Re: What would make a better premise for STD?

Post by LavarosVA »

Slash Gallagher wrote: Thu Mar 21, 2019 2:56 pm
LavarosVA wrote: Thu Mar 21, 2019 2:45 pm None? Because it wouldn't be Discovery then, it'd be some other Trek show. I'm happy with the show we have.
How happy on a 1 to 10 scale?
About an 8.
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