DISCO Renewed for Season Four

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Re: DISCO Renewed for Season Four

Post by Link8909 »

Captain Crimson wrote: Mon Oct 19, 2020 5:53 pm
Link8909 wrote: Mon Oct 19, 2020 1:58 pm I do agree on that, and I personally feel that they do have that understanding, Star Trek Picard tied into a lot of Captain Picard and The Next Generations history very well and in meaningful ways, and from what I've heard of Lower Decks you need an encyclopaedic knowledge of Star Trek to get many of the jokes.
True enough, and yet there's plenty of fumbling about to be disappointed over. While they were always going to do a "the United States is an empire in decline" tale, that had already been done very well over on DS9. Plus if Picard really needed to get a crew rallied together, why didn't he head to his old friends? I know Sir Patrick Stewart hadn't wanted a repeat of All Good Things... but frankly there are creative ways to get around that. For the much-needed and cathartic final scene about the goodbye to Data we never had we are bogged down in post-9/11 & 21st century political themes, and though those can be done, I think the paradigm shift is going to hurt ST rather than help it in the end if they want to make this into a sustainable franchise for the future.

It was too easy to remark on what we all can see. It would have been much harder to preach about our goodness and show off a rebuilt Alpha Quadrant following the Dominion war, perhaps even a new interstellar pact like on B5, with an outside enemy threatening it, past one beyond the galaxy, since hey, we've seen them. That's a tragedy here. Up until the last few years, stories in the entertainment sphere had focused with largely external threats, in the age of heroes, and thanks to 9/11, worsening political discussions, and the age of the internet, we are more concerned on threats from inside than on the outside, and not in a good way, like you say was the case for the '90s.
I see what you mean, I personally like what Star Trek Picard did with the Federation, and makes sense with the context of what had happened in universe, and I was okay with Picard not wanting to get the old crew back together, it's clear that Star Trek Picard isn't meant to be season eight of The Next Generation, but rather what the TOS films were to The Original Series, and I like the political themes as well, but it is a dark series, its primary theme is people giving into fear, and I can see why that put off many fans, even with the hopeful ending to the season, and I think an idea for season two of Star Trek Picard would be to show the Federation and Starfleet being the organization that Picard would be proud of.
Captain Crimson wrote: Mon Oct 19, 2020 5:53 pm
Link8909 wrote: Mon Oct 19, 2020 1:58 pm And I also like that Star Trek Discovery is now in the 32nd century, as it allows a lot of creative freedom not just for stories but also world building, without the worry of continuity, much like with The Next Generation before, and while Star Trek Picard does have that history to consider because it's about Picard, it's still moving forward and can still go in different directions, and while Star Trek Strange New Worlds is a prequel, I think there's enough of a gap in that time to explore, and seeing the crew before Captain Kirk will be interesting to watch.
Indeed, there is a lot they can explore now, from the brief glimpses we've seen into that period, so it's a great opportunity, as we are seeing right now. But I think because it's 2020 and many American writers are concerned dystopia is already here, it's going to be very hard to write a story more in line with the themes of old that people first loved about ST. It can't be all doom and gloom. For as much potential that VOY wasted, it was still a good counterbalance that IMO, allowed DS9 to be made. Can we please have a bit more optimism? Just a little? But no, America has no faith in their future, and if the Dominion and even older characters like Weyoun or Dukat show up, expect them to be hamfisted fascist caricatures without depth. Though I'd love to be pleasantly surprised.

That's the thing with the new generation of writers. In the old days, they were either fans, or had the understanding that to write a good enemy, you had to have a bit of larceny in yourself, or admiration for the other side, as was noted in Space Seed. We got a current crop of Millennial writers who were raised in the generation of participation trophies and how we're all winners, and an increasingly hyperpolarized political climate. Look no further than how back in the '90s, the GOP and DNC seemed fundamentally no different in terms of public discourse. Now there's been a radical shift, and it's also filtered right down into our entertainment, so that it just exacerbates the culture war.

Corporate leftists, an irony if there ever was one, are now being limited in what they can do. They have to work within the older trappings of lore to some extent or they'll lose the older fans, but they also want a new generation of fans, children, as well as a globalist mainstream appeal, which is weird since they throw in so many liberal themes that will get it banned in overseas markets if you stray too far. Those management policies don't jive together and though ST is leaps and bounds ahead of SW in that regard, it's still a concern. Nevertheless, I'd say there is a potential advantage in this, in that the age of streaming means you can, to an extent, take your time in crafting the material, which is why I feel wiki-reading is a must, and that the gold standard needs to be something similar to B5 or SG. And that still hasn't become mainstream, sadly.

I do feel they are trying to be more optimistic going forward, while the 32nd century is essentially the wild west and the Federation now fractured, there is still hope, Aditya Sahil maintaining the relay station, and Book helping endangered species like Molly, it's starting out as small flame, but I'd imaging that it'll get brighter.

And with what has been said about Strange New Worlds, we will be seeing a return of classic Star Trek stories, and from what I've heard of Lower Decks, that series is a lot of fun.

Honestly the direction the franchise is going is a good one, much like you said with Voyager allowing Deep Space Nine to do its own thing, we now are going to get multiply Star Trek series that are very different from one another with their distinct voices.
Captain Crimson wrote: Mon Oct 19, 2020 5:53 pm
Link8909 wrote: Mon Oct 19, 2020 1:58 pm Honestly, this is why I'm less critical about these new series and try to be constructive as I can with my criticisms, because most of the arguments made are the same as those back in the 80's (before I was born even) and that if people had their way back then we would have been robbed of all the good that came afterwards, I want these new series to get better, not go away, otherwise it'll be another decade or even longer before anyone even wants to do something with Star Trek.
A fair point and valid counterargument. I'm not even saying the new stuff is bad, mind you, except for the early gaffes STD made and quickly moved past. I do believe Makeshift Python was right about the reboot, and how it needed a lot more. As much as it might irk some, I shall say, bring back as much of the old guard as you can, including Mr. Berman. I know that's going to raise a few hackles, but I believe if he were to be relegated to a position of creative consultant and maybe a minor producer, it could work. People forget Mr. Berman gave us stellar episodes in the TNG era. Bring back Mr. Moore. Even Mr. Braga. Get them gelling with the new stuff. But that's just what I'd do.
While I'm not sure about bringing Rick Berman back as he has been the executive producer of Star Trek for along time already, and I would like to see new talent being sort after, I'd love to see some of the old guard come back and work on new Star Trek projects, and be allowed creative freedom to tell the stories they want, but much like how people demonize Alex Kurtzman, people had also demonize people like Brannon Braga in the past for their work, and probably don't want to come back, heck, I love Star Trek, but I wouldn't want to work on it.
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Re: DISCO Renewed for Season Four

Post by clearspira »

CharlesPhipps wrote: Sat Oct 17, 2020 2:54 am WHATTTTT....but I thought it was doomed and doomed Star Trek and everything was cancelled!

I'm sure that is in part directed at me and that's fine. However, I feel as if I must remind you that the only perquisite for a season renewal on American TV is ''breaking even''.
Does anyone here still watch The Walking Dead? Anyone? 10 seasons and counting.
Does anyone here still watch The Simpsons? Anyone? 32 seasons and counting.
How did everyone here feel about the Big Bang Theory season 12, or Scrubs season 9, or Heroes season 4, or Buffy season 7?

You are kidding yourself mate if you think that quality has anything to do with longevity. And its even easier on streaming to flog a dead horse than on TV because the producers are guaranteed at least some money from the subscription fee.
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Re: DISCO Renewed for Season Four

Post by clearspira »

Captain Crimson wrote: Sat Oct 17, 2020 7:33 pm
CharlesPhipps wrote: Sat Oct 17, 2020 2:54 am WHATTTTT....but I thought it was doomed and doomed Star Trek and everything was cancelled!

Why do you trust the fandom menace? :lol:

As for me, we look to be in a new ST renaissance, and yet for me personally, I just want to see them read wikis more. Modern ST is slowly shaping up, but with bloated, longer-running IPs, you really need to grasp the lore, setting, and characters more to have the clear footing on what it is you want to do. I could overlook many continuity gaffes if I felt it was creative licence and not just a blunder that would have been patched if they knew better. And early STD was plagued by that, yet it seems they've learned their lessons, and good.

Another thing I'd like is if they stopped declaring "firsties." Seen this in SW, and here, and it's irritating. Don't boast "more diverse" except in the areas that matter, and we already had a black protagonist. We already had tons of liberal themes before, with the exception of LGBT representation. Yet, I am of the opinion a good story matters first and foremost.

That's really all I need.
None of the ''Fandom Menace'' channels as you call them that I follow ever declared that STD or PIC had been cancelled. The exact opposite actually, we keep on wondering why it doesn't get cancelled. Although like I said in my above comment, ''breaking even'' is all that is required.

And the reason why they do not read wikis more is that they started out wanting to completely recreate Star Trek. Klingons with stupidly long heads and grey skin, the spore drive, 23rd century tech more advanced than the 25th. It is not a coincidence that Pike, Spock, the 1701 and the original uniforms appeared in the second season. Its not a coincidence that they pulled a time skip in season 3. The reason being that even the people who like STD moaned about the lack of continuity. I want them to read the wiki more too. But the reason isn't to make it a better show in their eyes.

We've got the non-binary and the trans character coming so ''firsties'' is going nowhere. My prediction based on what I have seen so far in other media is that the next one will be the first Starfleet themed hijab - and i'm not joking either. It'll be yellow with an arrowhead on the crown. Woke script writers LOVE hijabs. I've long been predicting that for the next female Dr Who too, although it'll be called something along the lines of a ''Rassilon Sonic Shroud'' just because they know that people will defend it on forums like these if they call it literally anything else other than a hijab.
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Re: DISCO Renewed for Season Four

Post by clearspira »

Captain Crimson wrote: Sun Oct 18, 2020 3:11 am
BridgeConsoleMasher wrote: Sun Oct 18, 2020 12:54 am
Captain Crimson wrote: Sat Oct 17, 2020 7:33 pm
CharlesPhipps wrote: Sat Oct 17, 2020 2:54 am WHATTTTT....but I thought it was doomed and doomed Star Trek and everything was cancelled!

Why do you trust the fandom menace? :lol:

As for me, we look to be in a new ST renaissance, and yet for me personally, I just want to see them read wikis more. Modern ST is slowly shaping up, but with bloated, longer-running IPs, you really need to grasp the lore, setting, and characters more to have the clear footing on what it is you want to do. I could overlook many continuity gaffes if I felt it was creative licence and not just a blunder that would have been patched if they knew better. And early STD was plagued by that, yet it seems they've learned their lessons, and good.

Another thing I'd like is if they stopped declaring "firsties." Seen this in SW, and here, and it's irritating. Don't boast "more diverse" except in the areas that matter, and we already had a black protagonist. We already had tons of liberal themes before, with the exception of LGBT representation. Yet, I am of the opinion a good story matters first and foremost.

That's really all I need.
I kind of wish you had consolidated more time to talking about Star Trek than Star Wars on this forum.
You ever seen YouTubers like Overlord DVD? He hates modern ST. He can't explain how, but he does... somehow.
He does explain how. And often. Which is why I know that you haven't seen YouTubers like Overlord DVD *winky emoji*

He dislikes it for the reason I dislike it and have stated why I dislike it multiple times: Star Trek was designed as one of the only hopeful futures in science fiction. We are all equal, we all get along for the most part, everything we need is free, we wear bright colours and spend our days exploring and furthering science. That is not modern Star Trek, not even close, and hasn't been for a long time. Its Star Wars mixed with the Battlestar Galactica Reboot if anything.

We need Roddenberry's Star Trek in the era of Covid and Trump now more than we ever have barring the 1960s. Depressive media begets depressive people and I will not change my mind on that.
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Re: DISCO Renewed for Season Four

Post by Captain Crimson »

I agree on the needing ST's ideals in the world we have, but I don't trust Overlord DVD at all, since he's feeding the stereotype Legends is just a dumping ground for non-canon trash. And even with "warring factions" in LF, I don't buy it. Could they do that, out of sheer incompetence? Yes. But that Ms. Kennedy herself hates it is what works against that rumor. And TBH, I hate it too. What employee would suggest that for any other reason than pure spite? And that this is meant to be a smear campaign, or whatever? Call me skeptical again. What's even sadder is that thanks to those who watched his vid, they think this means SWL is coming back, which it doesn't. Just arbitrarily dumping the events from one timeline into another doesn't bring it back, and it actually further hurts SWL.
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Re: DISCO Renewed for Season Four

Post by Worffan101 »

Man, the first episode of season 3 was a mess. Even leaving aside the cringey Magical Negro implications, it's just a bad Star Wars fanfic with a Trek skin stapled on, dialogue that makes Lucas look good, and incoherent direction.
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Re: DISCO Renewed for Season Four

Post by Makeshift Python »

You have to be a complete unreflective moron to bother giving an exposed fraud like Doomcock the time of day.
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Re: DISCO Renewed for Season Four

Post by clearspira »

Makeshift Python wrote: Thu Oct 22, 2020 8:45 am You have to be a complete unreflective moron to bother giving an exposed fraud like Doomcock the time of day.
''Exposed'' fraud. Care to elaborate or is this one of those times where we are all meant to just nod our heads and agree?
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Re: DISCO Renewed for Season Four

Post by Makeshift Python »

clearspira wrote: Thu Oct 22, 2020 9:00 am
Makeshift Python wrote: Thu Oct 22, 2020 8:45 am You have to be a complete unreflective moron to bother giving an exposed fraud like Doomcock the time of day.
''Exposed'' fraud. Care to elaborate or is this one of those times where we are all meant to just nod our heads and agree?
Doomcock claims to have a source that tells him what's happening at CBS, but it turns out he just goes on 4chan and grabs random made up stories, presenting them as his "insider information". I gotta hand it to him, he knows how fucking stupid his base is and does a great job exploiting them for page hits. Would make a Ferengi envious.

This is where you can now nod your head and agree.
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Re: DISCO Renewed for Season Four

Post by Link8909 »

Makeshift Python wrote: Thu Oct 22, 2020 9:33 am Doomcock claims to have a source that tells him what's happening at CBS, but it turns out he just goes on 4chan and grabs random made up stories, presenting them as his "insider information". I gotta hand it to him, he knows how fucking stupid his base is and does a great job exploiting them for page hits. Would make a Ferengi envious.

This is where you can now nod your head and agree.
Yeah, one of the reasons people listen to his tripe and other chick-bait channels like his is that it validates their own opinions, after all, if you already hate that series or film, why would you disagree or even question someone that is telling you the thing you hate isn't doing well.

Plus, someone who wears a ski mask and uses a voice modulator, that either reports things that have already been reported by official news sources or exaggerated versions of those reports that take elements out of context or remove them to suit their view, or reports on things that have little to no evidence to back them up, with only "insider information" to confirm what are essentially speculations and rumours, and that those reported rumours have been repeatedly debunked by official sources or just common sense, doesn't strike me as someone who actually cares or even understands what journalistic integrity is, and is only spreading fear, hatred, mistrust, and misinformation for their own twisted agenda.
"I think, when one has been angry for a very long time, one gets used to it. And it becomes comfortable like…like old leather. And finally… it becomes so familiar that one can't remember feeling any other way."

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